Friday, May 17, 2013

Obama and the IRS - Part Two

Telegraph: Reports the following on the Congressional Investigation of the IRS, " America's taxmen were accused of being "drunk on power" and of lying to Congress as Republicans opened their investigation into the IRS scandal. ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we will have months of investigation in to the IRS, Libya and the US Justice Department taking the records of the AP, the Oval it seems is following the Bill Clinton handbook on scandals, its on the road stressing the economy, good luck with that Oval.  The problem that the Oval has is that this year the IRS will start to enforce ObamaCare, the Obama Administration has asked private companies to spread the positive aspects of ObamaCare, in other words the Oval has failed to close the deal, also there is another problem, the Oval has asked for millions of more dollars so that the IRS can hire inspectors to run ObamaCare, good luck with that Oval.   Then we come to Libya scandal, there are rumours that there are CIA whistle blowers, this could be a massive problem for the Oval, this scandal is the one that could HURT the Oval, there are still questions that the Oval has not answered, the role of President Obama on the night that the US Consulate was burned down and the US Ambassador was killed by terrorists, was the Oval watching TV, having a beer, playing golf, it seems he was not in the loop in those terrible hours, WHO was in charge in the White House.   The AP story will hurt the Oval, the press HATE IT when they come under attack, they know they could be NEXT, thus folks we have months of scandal, this will show how Presidential Obama is, how good a politician, he is another Reagan or Nixon folks. 

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