Friday, May 17, 2013

Obama and the IRS - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that outgoing IRS Chief Steven Miller has stated that the targeting of Tea Party/Conservative groups was not political. 

Lets Get Real:

Folks having watched the Congressional hearing its fair to say that Mr Miller was a disgrace, to most questions he had no answer or could not recall, the man is either very stupid or he thinks POTUS is going to give him a Presidential Pardon if he keeps his mouth shut.  The acting head of the IRS did not know who had come with the idea to target the Tea Party/Conservative groups, did not seem to understand his job.   If this is the level of the US Civil Service then the US is in trouble.  The very idea that the targeting was not political shows a level of incompetence that should worry US voters, this is the same Government body that will make sure that ALL Americans have bought Medical cover, if the IRS can go after groups and make their lives hell, what will it do people who do not want to buy health care, and the IRS offical in charge of the Department that deal with this issue has been placed in charge of running ObamaCare within the IRS, if that is not dirty Chicago politics then what is, time for the Republicans to follow ALL the trails, also why was President Obama very careful yesterday when asked if any one in the White House had been aware of this problem, the President stated that he had only been aware of the Inspector Generals Report, but that was not the question, is there dirt at the White House folks.  Did the Obama White House no of this problem before the election. 

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