Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Republicans lied over Benghazi - White House

The Hill: Reports on the counter attack from the Obama White House on the email that sparked the recent scandal,  the article notes the following, " The White House on Tuesday accused congressional Republicans of fabricating emails leaked to two different media organizations that suggested interest in scrubbing the Benghazi, Libya, talking points. ".

Lets Get Real:

Folks,  someone either the Democrats or the Republicans are playing games, thus the need for a Special Committee of the House to investigate this mess once and for all, lets have ALL the emails out in the public, one would assume that the White House has proof that non one on their staff leaked the email an attempt to place the blame for Benghazi at the feet of Hillary Clinton.   The best way is to have people under oath, one would assume the White House would not have a problem with the truth coming out, the release of the full email does not help the White House, we know that State wanted ALL references to terrorism removed, and it was, also internal emails show that this lead came from on high.   Thus who in the White House was pushing the message that the Libyan attack was due to a vile video, the White House needs to up its game, and make sure that NO ONE in the White House knew about the IRS audits or seizure of the records of the AP.  The White House is still in a hole folks, that is the problem with arrogance, the biggest fools are the smartest. 

Benghazi Talking Points - 2nd Obama Administration

Lets Get Real:

Even the liberal NYT has to revere course after stating there was not there there to the Libyan terror attacks, although the above is critical of the Obama White House the rest of the article is an attack on the Republicans, but with the following exception, is the NYT throwing Hillary Clinton under the bus, read this folks, and think, " It was surprising that the board did not question Mrs. Clinton or her two top deputies because...the board concluded mistakes were made by less senior officials. ".  Folks you do not have to be a Time Lord to work out that that the NYT has decided someone has to  take the political fall for Benghazi, it could never be President Obama, thus you have Hillary Clinton, do not be surprised it you start to see articles suggesting that Hillary Clinton might like to become a US Ambassador in the UK or France, yes folks getting her abroad and out of the 2016 race, that is how the game is played.  As the last post showed the White House or someone in the WH was trying to place the blame for the talking points at the feet of Hillary Clinton, guess who is being set up to take the fall folks, wonder who VP Biden has been talking too, but that would be speculation folks, interesting speculation. 

Throwing Hillary Clinton UNDER the BUS!! - 2nd Obama Administration

Lets Get Real:

Thus someone at the White House was trying to throw Hillary Clinton under the bus, stress that ALL the terror points that were deleted came about due to the Clinton State Department, but then we have State Department emails that state that the State leadership was still concerned about any terror reference, so not sure how this really helps Hillary Clinton, one can assume that the leak came from the Clinton Camp, just muddy waters, thus more questions for the White House, if the State Department was not behind the removal of the terror references who had the final say, who in the White House was pushing this message, one has to wonder was the Oval redrafting the talking points on his own PC, that is joke folks, but who pushed Ambassador Rice on to the Sunday talk shows, who would Rice fall on her sword for, who could appoint her Secretary of State, yes folks, ALL leads go back to the Oval. 

Obama and the AP - 2nd Obama Term

Guardian: Has the following commentary of the seizure of the telephone record of the AP news agency, " It leaves us with the chilling impression that this is a White House intoxicated by its own power. ".

Lets Get Real:

This could be the story that really hurts the Oval, ALL reporters will be worried even those that support Obama that they could be NEXT, at its essence what happens when there is a Republican in the White House and he or she does the same thing, if the elite press are not up in the arms over this action by the Oval Administration they will not having standing should it happen again to them.   The origin of the seizure seems to been a leak of a CIA operation in Yemen, the operation was successful, so a net plus for the Oval, so why this heavy handed action, have they done the same with the leaks to the New York Times, one has doubts, the Republican will accuse Obama of having a NEW enemies list, the successor to Nixon's one, the seizure includes calls made by Editors, reports, from home and work, one has to wonder what kind of dirt they get, and its in the hands of the Obama Administration from Chicago.    Lets hear WHY the Obama Administration took this action, it better be good, otherwise Republicans, Democrats, and the press will be after them, not even the Oval would like that, he would have not friends in the media. 

Obama's Tax problem - Watergate 2

BBC News: Reports on the growing scandal that the US Internal Revenue Service targeted Conservative groups in the run up to the 2012 Presidential Election. 

Lets Get Real: 

Folks the Oval has a problem, either President Obama is the worse Chief Executive Officer in US history or Chicago methods have been used by supporters of the Obama Administration.  The level of this scandal will depend how far up the food chain it goes, if its just local employers of the IRS they can be fired, and the Oval can move on, on other hand, if there is any trace to the White House then ALL bets are off, as noted one of the articles of Impeachment against President Nixon was his use of the IRS against his political enemies, its a big IF folks, should any trace that the idea to go after Tea Party groups or those with a Conservative viewpoint came from the White House or the Obama Campaign then the Obama Presidency would be over, this blog finds it hard to believe that the Oval would be that stupid, more likely low level to mid management supporters of Obama took the White House line to far when it came to being critical of the Tea Party.   Lets see what Congress digs up folks, would be surprised if there was a there there to this story.