Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Obama's Tax problem - Watergate 2

BBC News: Reports on the growing scandal that the US Internal Revenue Service targeted Conservative groups in the run up to the 2012 Presidential Election. 

Lets Get Real: 

Folks the Oval has a problem, either President Obama is the worse Chief Executive Officer in US history or Chicago methods have been used by supporters of the Obama Administration.  The level of this scandal will depend how far up the food chain it goes, if its just local employers of the IRS they can be fired, and the Oval can move on, on other hand, if there is any trace to the White House then ALL bets are off, as noted one of the articles of Impeachment against President Nixon was his use of the IRS against his political enemies, its a big IF folks, should any trace that the idea to go after Tea Party groups or those with a Conservative viewpoint came from the White House or the Obama Campaign then the Obama Presidency would be over, this blog finds it hard to believe that the Oval would be that stupid, more likely low level to mid management supporters of Obama took the White House line to far when it came to being critical of the Tea Party.   Lets see what Congress digs up folks, would be surprised if there was a there there to this story. 

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