Telegraph - Live Reporting: Reports the following in its 7.17pm post, " Polls show Hillary Clinton regaining a narrow lead as the focus shifts away from the FBI investigation into her emails. ..The ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll has her up by two per cent, while a new CBS/New York Times poll shows her leading by three. "
Lets Get Real:
As long as there are no more shocks from the FBI, it can be expected that HRC will win by around 2% to 3%, this blog had predicted around 6% but that looks to rosy at the moment. Also the HRC Campaign has to work at keeping the States won by President Obama in 2012. It just a matter of getting to Tuesday without any new revelations. Then this blog can start to be critical of HRC again, there will be domestic agenda that is to liberal, the need for a hawk when it comes to foreign affairs, and of course there will be the FBI investigation. Fun times ahead.