Telegraph: Reports on the Benghazi scandal, " The CIA has been subjecting operatives to monthly polygraph tests in an attempt to suppress details of a US arms smuggling operation in Benghazi that was ongoing when its ambassador was killed by a mob in the city last year, according to reports. ".
Lets Get Real:
Folks, this Benghazi scandal has the smell of Iran - Contra, from reports the general dots seem to be that the CIA was giving Libyan weapons to the Syrian rebels, the question that the Congress has to asked, was this being done with the okay of the Oval, or was this the CIA doing a operation off the books, one has doubts after the 1970s and Watergate that the CIA would go rogue without Presidential approval, also why is the Oval so secret about the operation, was the Oval up to something that has not been disclosed, seems so odd for Obama to cover for the CIA, he has to for the NSA, you NEVER cross the NSA, you never know what they have on you, and after all POTUS is a Chicago Pol down to his toenails. The idea that regular polygraph tests would not leak shows that someone has not learned how D.C works, that sounds more like the Oval than the CIA, we shall see folks, but this smells folks, and its close to the Oval.