Friday, August 02, 2013

The Benghazi Cover Up - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Folks, this Benghazi scandal has the smell of Iran - Contra, from reports the general dots seem to be that the CIA was giving Libyan weapons to the Syrian rebels, the question that the Congress has to asked, was this being done with the okay of the Oval, or was this the CIA doing a operation off the books, one has doubts after the 1970s and Watergate that the CIA would go rogue without Presidential approval, also why is the Oval so secret about the operation, was the Oval up to something that has not been disclosed, seems so odd for Obama to cover for the CIA, he has to for the NSA, you NEVER cross the NSA, you never know what they have on you, and after all POTUS is a Chicago Pol down to his toenails.  The idea that regular polygraph tests would not leak shows that someone has not learned how D.C works, that sounds more like the Oval than the CIA, we shall see folks, but this smells folks, and its close to the Oval. 

The CIA and the Libyan Operation - 2nd Term Blues

CNN - Politics: Report on what the CIA was doing in Benghazi, Libya on the night the US Ambassador was killed and the Consulate was destroyed, the article notes the following, " Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret. ".

Lets Get Real:

The question is was the CIA doing a off the books operation, no Oval okay or doing a job for the Oval that it wanted off the books, given all the Oval has done to shut down talk and investigation about the CIA that night one has to think it was a Oval Office operation that was suppose to be OFF THE BOOKS, just that the Ambassador and three other Americans got killed, and it is not something you can dust off or hide.    As the Obama use of drones has shown the Oval is in to Bond/24 covert actions, the question is can the Oval keep the dogs from the door, in this case the press, one has to take its hat off to CNN, at least its looking at the scandal, and not just accepting the world of the Oval, the question that has to be asked is CNN trying to place blame at the door of the CIA while covering for the Oval, its a fair question folks, lets see who picks up this story. 

US Embassies Threat - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

This could be the Oval and the Intelligence Agencies covering their bases should anything happen,  this does recall the August days before 9/11, there was a Al Qaeda threat but the dots had not been linked, one would hope the FBI and the Homeland Security would make sure that there are no threats to the US mainland, but after the Boston Bombings nothing can be ruled out, there could be another terror cell that is waiting to strike in the US or in the Middle East, Europe, etc, also August could be a false lead, since September 2012 we have seen the attack on the US Consulate and in Boston, the Bush/Obama Administrations have done a very good job of taking down old Al Qaeda, but since then the terrorist network has changed, it has become more of a franchise, and is moving from major hits, such 9/11 to smaller scale attacks, what the terror network has learned is that even a small scale attack can bring a City to a halt, as was the case with Boston, the aim of terrorists is to cause terror, with the modern 24/7 news cycle the terrorists can get a lot of attention from a small scale operation.  Lets hope the Mossad, MI6 and other Intelligence networks are not asleep at the wheel, time for total attention, something could be happening folks.     Thus drones will be needed folks, no matter what Secretary Kerry said to the Government of Pakistan. 

US Embassies on Al Qaeda ALERT - August Period

BBC News: Reports that the Kerry US State Department has issued a Global Alert for August due to a Al Qaeda threat for August. 

Lets Get Real:

The Oval saw what happened when the US did not place its Embassies and people on alert on the 11th September 2012 in Libya, it lost four people, one being the first US Ambassador killed in over thirty years, the Oval can not afford another terrorist attack on its watch, also the US has failed to find the terrorists that killed the Libyan Consulate Staff, even if CNN can find them and talk to the alleged suspects.   This is why we need the NSA and its allies to spy on the actions of those around the World, the West and its allies only have to fail once, and we have another 9/11,7/7 and Spain.   Thus lets hope the Oval and the Administration has learned the lesson of Libya and is on red alert, failure is not a option folks.