Friday, March 27, 2015

Saudi Arabia and Iran - Yemen Update 3 - Yemen Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This is a clear threat to the Obama Administration, if Obama does a bad with with Iran then the Sunni Gulf States will start to make sure they are secure, and the only way to make sure your safe is to have a nuclear missile yourself.   Lets recall SA has the money to buy a nuclear weapon or get the best people on board to allow SA to develop a bomb faster.   The US Congress has to ACT, it should make sure that the Obama deal comes to Congress before the UN, if the Oval says not then the Congress should pass an Act of Congress to force him, one doubts that Democrats will want to see Iran with the bomb, Obama will be gone in 2017, and Dems will want support from the Israeli  Lobby, this US/Iran deal has a long way to go before it comes in to force, all politics is local. 

Yemen Update 2 - Yemen Crisis

It would be ironic if after Yemen these forces joined a secret deal with Israel to attack Iran's nuclear buildings, this could happen if the Obama Oval keeps going down it road to appease Iran.   As stated by this blog, President Obama is the modern Neville Chamberlain, a politician meaning well but who dragged the World in to World War 2, it would not shock this blog if Obama causes a regional war in the Middle East, with the the Shiites and Sunnis having a regional war and a arms race, it could be argued that SA could buy a nuclear missile on the black market, then we would see the other States run to get such missiles.  President Obama has shown how a well meaning man can cause mass problems and deaths by thinking he can solve problems that have been around for Centuries. 

Yemen Update - Yemen Crisis

Lets Get Real:

AS noted in this blog the politics of the Middle East are murky and ironic, if your a main street voter in the US you must be thinking WTF just happened, on side of the Yemen Civil War you have Saudi Arabia supported by the US going to invade Yemen to prevent a Tehran supporting group taken power, while in Iraq the US is providing semi air cover for Iraqi forces and groups that belong to Iran.   It should be noted as the London Times reported this morning that because the new Iraqi government has requested US air support for the battle for Tikirt the Iran's forces have withdrawn in a sulk.   On top of that at the strategic level, Tehran and the US are dealing on a nuclear agreement, that is not supported by Israel and the Sunni Gulf States.   It will be interesting to comment on the coming events over the next few days, who will win and who will retreat.