Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Surge V Political Reality

The President faces a problem, an understatement to say the least, the Republicans in the House and Senate are worried they will be next to lose their Seats in the 2008 elections, thus the lack of support for the policy of surge, the Democrats on the other hand have a similar problem, those in the Senate that want to run for President, need the support of the base, the base is a Liberal Left body, and they want high taxes, out of Iraq and hug a tree for good measure. Thus the move by Hillary Clinton to the left, she does not want to be outflanked on the left by Edwards, Obama or Gore if should enter the race, this is a massive political mistake, in pure politics, its almost like throwing in the towel before the race has started. Its easy to move from the right to centre, Senator John McCain has supported the War, thus the base on the whole will support him, in the general election he can move to the Centre, while Hillary will try to move from the left to the centre, this will not work, what do her political operators think will happen when in their eyes the right wing secret lobby start to create an image, of a cold manipulative politician without the charm of her husband, will people buy the image that has worked in New York. I am susprised a great political operator like Bill Clinton has allowed her to be moved by the fear of Obama and Edwards, one has to ask in his hearts of hearts does he want her to win. Obama is new Edwards has been out of sight in Iowa, thus leading in some polls. Hillary Clinton is not new, people already have formed negative views of her, it might not be fair but that is the reality.

Thus we come to the 2008, it seems half of the Senate is running, Hillary Clinton is the front runner for the Democrats, but there as doubts if she can win, thus Obama, but can callow youth win over the political skills of Bill Clinton, here is the point it is not Bill running it is Hillary, it seems both Hillary and Bill will have to decided how much a role Bill plays in the election of 2008. As mentioned before, Hillary Clinton is not the most charismatic of speech givers, Bill is not bad but not that great on the whole, no Gipper but very few politicians are these days. It could be interesting to have a Edwards - Obama ticket in 2008, that might just scuttle a Hillary Clinton come back to the White House.