Thursday, August 01, 2013

Comrade Snowden and Russia Part 2 - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The FSB the successor to the KGB is loving every minute of this, they are getting US secrets and they do not have to get out of the office, one can assume there will be more leaks, it is in the interest of Snowden to show that he is important, to both Russia and the US.    It is fair to assume that both China and Russia have gone through the Snowden secrets, use them and then leak them to further the liberal anger at the Oval.   That is how the REAL WORLD folks, once Snowden has released ALL his secrets he will be pushed out of Moscow, hell Putin might give him back to the US as a good will gesture, yes Putin is that devious, always recall folks he is ex KGB down to his feet.   One wonders how many secrets still holds and how many secrets he has given to his press allies, Traitor Snowden might find that Russia is colder than he thinks, the Russia Bear is not be trusted, it steals the jam and throws away the container. 

Snowden the TRAITOR - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The Oval should consider placing sanctions on Russia, the Oval should have learned by now, that no matter what Obama thought, the Russians are going to play a weak US President, Obama is seen as weak, the Russia Bear respects a Kennedy or a Reagan, tough Presidents who follow through, a US President who tries to  TALK, e.g Jimmy Carter gets USSR invading Afghanistan and Tehran taking US Diplomats hostage.  Thus if Obama wants any respect he has to get his Chicago side out, as they say in Chicago, the last man standing wins, well time for Obama to find his inner Godfather, if he can KILL terrorists with drones, even US Citizens he can place sanctions on Russia, time to show that the American Eagle has sharp claws, and is willing to use it against the Russian Bear, time for the Russia Bear to understand who WON the Cold War. 

Comrade Snowden and Russia - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that the US TRAITOR Edward Snowden has been given temporary asylum in Russia. 

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks this shows what President Putin really thinks of President Obama, Putin is ex KGB, he can smell weakness from Moscow, the suppose restart of the relationship between the US and Russia after the Bush 43 years was a delusion of the Obama mind.   The Russians are going to play Snowden for ALL he is worth, they are going force liberals to accept that Obama is not a liberal Reagan but a liberal Bush 43, in fact Obama is worse, from the liberal point of view, there is the Obama kill list for terrorists, the taking out of US Citizens by drones, the use of the NSA to spy on US Citizens and the rest of the World.  President Obama does not even get credit for being a hawk, he sold out Poland and the Czech Republic over missile defence, it was an attempt to build bridges with Moscow, ALL Moscow saw was weakness and no backbone.   Obama is weak and leaders like Putin can smell that from distance, lets see what Tehran does with that information.