Sunday, August 10, 2014

Obama on Iraq - Iraq Crisis

Lets Get Real:

President Obama made one mistake his weekly address, never say something you might not be able to follow through on, that mistake was to say that the US would not send US troops back to Iraq, the future can not be planned, a President might get a stark choice, either Iraq as an ally to the US through US ground troops or the Islamic State of Iraq with its oil.  Never, say Never. 

IS this a NEW Obama on the Middle East - Iraq Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Is this really a new Obama, will he really use the might of US power more, this crisis in Iraq is the test, if after air strikes ISIS pulls back will the Oval carry on the fight, take the fight to them, or will declare victory and leave the problem to his successor.   One has doubts that POTUS has the stomach for a long air war, and yes for victory there will have to be ground troops or least special forces.  This present crisis in Iraq will define the Obama Presidency for the last two years, does he take down ISIS or just has PR air strikes and leaves the problem to his successor, one would hope that the Oval would see the threat of ISIS and take the War to them, but for the fact that Obama has failed to act over the years, the next few days and months will be interesting to see how far POTUS goes in Iraq. 

ISIS in Iraq and World War One - Iraq Update 3 - Middle East

Lets Get Real:

ISIS is a threat to ALL Countries in the Middle East, if ISIS can move the captured weapons from Iraq to Syria it could remove the Assad Regime then use Syria and its controlled lands in Iraq to mount a threat to Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, and at the end even Israel, thus if the West has a brain cell and Obama can get over his ego this group needs to be destroyed NOW, not later, not when intelligence thinks it a threat, the Oval could not cope with Syria and Iraq under the Islamic State, it could kiss its last two years goodbye, the Islamic State would have the money and the time to cause problems for the West and the rest of the Middle East.   Thus time for the West to find its backbone and hit ISIS hard. 

Iraq Update 2 - Iraq Crisis

Lets Get Real: 

This shows how air power can help in a crisis, but it won't be enough to take down ISIS, the US and the UK have to get the FACT, that sooner or later, and sooner is the likely result the West will have to send UK and US special forces back in to Iraq,   these special forces have to point out the location of ISIS and pin point them for attacking aircraft, also the West has to rebuild the Iraqi army again, also buy off those groups that are more interested in money and having a better relationship with the West.   The US can not allow Iran to come to the rescue of the Baghdad Government, that would be a nightmare for Iraq and US and cloud the Obama legacy after 2017. 

Iraq Update - Iraq Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The US strikes was a wise move by President Obama, the OVAL keeps stating that there will be no ground troops sent to Iraq, this is VERY UNWISE, the Islamic State or ISISI can not pushed back or destroyed without the use of ground troops, the Oval has to get over its ego, President Obama used Iraq to get elected, well now the Oval has to sell the idea of getting troops back in to combat, IF Iraq falls to the ISIS, the Oval will be eating their dust for the last two of his Administration, oil prices could go up and the land held by ISIS could train terrorists to attack the West, this would be a massive negative for the OBAMA LEGACY, POTUS ran on his record against Al Qaeda, that he had taken them down, well the franchise has moved on, ISIS is now a major threat to the Middle East and the West.