If no candidate on the Democratic side has enough delegates to win outright, it comes down to who has the majority delegates. As of now Obama, if you include Pledge Delegates and Super Delegates is ahead, but we have Texas and Ohio to go, so the Clinton Machine can still pull off a victory. As VIEWS is a Conservative Republican when looking from over the water we want Hillary Clinton as the nominee. If was an American would be an Obama Republican. Thus we need Republicans to vote in Ohio and Texas for Clinton. I know you want to finish her Presidential ambition off at this stage by voting for Obama but think long term, we need her as the Democratic Candidate, then the Republican Party will unite to defeat her, thus support the Clinton Machine in Texas and Ohio. Obama is the better candidate is so many respects but we need Clinton to defeat in November.
The RCP scorecard is Obama 1302, Clinton 1235 , this gives Obama a lead of 67 delegates. Thus as the Democratic Party is running a PR election process, Clinton has to win big in the up coming states. Thus if you’re a Republican lets start to vote for Hillary Clinton.