Tuesday, August 14, 2012

People back in Chains - VP Biden

The Hill: Reports that Vice President Biden has stated that the voting for the Romney/Ryan would place people back in chains in an economic context.

Lets Get Real:

The context of this latest foot in mouth by VP Biden was to argue that that the Romney/Ryan ticket would allow Wall Street off the hook, the people that would pay for this move would be main street. This is typical class warfare rubbish by Biden, it shows how much a mistake Obama did by placing him on the ticket, he should have chosen Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, there is no way VP Biden is a horse in the 2016 race, thus should POTUS win a 2nd term he will find that after the 1st year the spotlight with be on the 2016 race, if Obama has a low poll rating the Democrats will run from him, also Biden as the political appeal of a dodo, thus fellow Democrats will dump on Obama if it helps them, at least Reagan had a horse in the race for his succession, in that case Bush 41 won the Republican Nomination and the Presidency. Thus helped the Reagan legacy. In this context President Obama made the same mistake as Bush 43, they chose a VP that was not a threat to them in political terms and would follow orders, but could not carry the flag on when the 2nd term finished.

Obama Slashing Medicare - Romney

BBC News: Reports that Governor Romney has accused President Obama of cutting Medicare by 700 billion to fund ObamaCare.

Lets Get Real:

This is an excellent strategy by Governor Romney, go after Obama twice, it reminds voters that POTUS push through ObamaCare against the wishes of the US voter, also those on Medicare will be the losers. It also works as it moves the Campaign from fringe issues to real policy differences between Romney and Obama. The last thing POTUS wants to talk about is ObamaCare and its effects on US voters. The Democrats might regret that they wanted Romney to choose Ryan, as the only attack the Dems have on Ryan is via real heavy weight policy differences, thus a good few days for Romney. At least he leads POTUS in two respected polls.

The Ryan Effect and the Polls - 2012 Race

Lets have a look at the polls after Governor Romney choose Rep. Paul Ryan as his VP choice.

Rasmussen Reports ( LV ): In today's daily tracking poll Governor Romney leads President Obama by 47% to 44%. A 3% lead.

Gallup ( RV ): In today's daily tracking poll Governor Romney leads President Obama by 47% to 45%. A 2% lead.

Lets Get Real.

Thus folks if you take in to account the margin of error ( MofE ) we have a tied race, the Ryan choice has not hurt Romney, in fact it secures the base for November, also in a ironic way it forces the Obama Campaign to deal with real issues. The past few months have dealt with Romney's time in private business, his tax returns, the choice of Ryan forces the Democrats to deal with domestic issues, that might be the one area that the Democrats do not want to discuss, as this brings in Obama's failed economic record, and the introduction of ObamaCare as a TAX. Lets see if Ryan can be an attack dog, the Romney Campaign needs to take the Oval on head on, is Ryan the man, his speech at his introduction shows that he is willing to take on Obama, lets see if that fighting spirits lasts, it is early days folks.