Guardian - Live Blog: Reports in its 10.45am post the following, " Donald Trump’s third appearance in a courtroom as a criminal defendant is expected at 4pm Eastern time.....Trump’s third appearance in a courtroom as a criminal defendant is expected at 4pm Eastern time (9pm BST). "
Lets Get Real:
The Donald will milk this for all its worth, the former President stated in a speech that that Government was coming after his voters and they would have to go through him. The former President is still leading in the polls, what does it take for the Republicans to see the truth, the only thing that concerns the Donald is the Donald. The US Government is not helping, they have thrown everything bar the kitchen sink at the Donald, it does make it look like a Witch Hunt out to destroy the Former President, that helps Trump with the Republican base, this blog has not time for Trump, he is a THREAT to US and Western security, but there are better ways to STOP TRUMP, ignoring him would have been better, he loves the attention, thus will milk today for all its worth. Historic Day ahead, Nixon must be looking down and smiling and thinking, Don't you miss Tricky Dicky NOW.