Monday, March 09, 2015

The Other shoe just dropped, POTUS and Hillary Clinton - 2016 Race

Lets Get Real:

As stated this could be the other shoe that drops with the Clinton email scandal, did POTUS and his Secretary of State exchanged secret information while on email, how come POTUS did not know that Clinton was using a private email and server at her home.  The House Select Committee will demand the emails, they will want to see ALL the emails that concern Libya.   This is the Obama Team is throwing the Clintons under the bus, they must be furious that they have become the defenders for the Clintons, it is always other people who have to clear up after the Clintons.   The 1990s are back, the good old days. 

Never Trust the Greeks - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

As always with the EU the devil is in the detail, the so called compromise of a few weeks ago shows what the deal meant to the different sides, the EU thought that the left wing Government in Greece would play ball and make cuts, while Athens though that the Germany tax payer would pay for the political promises of the left wing Greek Government.  When it comes to real money you can not play about, the Greeks are skint and are not trusted by the EU, this is not new, the Romans had a very low opinion of the Greeks, you give them a hand and your rings are gone.   The Greeks have to understand that they are on charity, its Germany that is the power house of the EU, time for the Greeks to grow up and show some pride, get out of the Euro, get the economy working and show that they can be like the Classic Greeks, for the Country that gave us Democracy the present Greece should not been shown any respect or charity, Lady Thatcher would have no time for the Greeks of the present. 

Did Hillary Clinton BREAK the rules with her emails? - 2016 Race

CNN - Politics: Reports the following on the allegation that Hillary Clinton broke State Department rules with the use of private email, the article states, " As of now, there's no evidence that Clinton violated any State Department rules. But there's a chance she did. "

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans will not give up this story, its to juicy and could lead to the defeat of Hillary Clinton, it would be ironic if Clinton bought herself down, very Richard Nixon in many respects.   As stated in previous the fact that Clinton used her own server will become the issue, the Republicans will demand that someone not a Clinton follower should check the server, for either deleted emails or hack attempts by various Countries.  The Republicans will jump on these two issues should they show up after the served is checked, the issue of national security will be thrown at the Clinton Camp in 2016.   The Democrats must be worried that there is another shoe to drop with the email scandal. This story will run and run. 

New Week and the Clinton Emails - 2016 Race

Lets Get Real:

The Clinton machine needs to get going, a single tweet from Hillary Clinton is not enough, when you have the NYT and Washington Post gunning for you, there is the need for the you to bring out your A team to spin this story and get it off the front pages.   IF the Clintons have any dirt on any other Democrat this is the time to use it, it will divert attention and stop people thinking that all that matters in the Hillary Clinton emails.   The problem for the political spinners is that they do not know what is in the emails, how can you spin if there is something really rotten in the emails.   Hillary Clinton needs to be on the air, taking as many questions from the press as they want as to deflate the story.    Lets recall everyone though that HRC was going to be the nominee in 2008 it did not play out like that, the Comeback couple need to fight, or it will be over before they even get started for 2016.