Wednesday, January 11, 2012

50% Job Disapproval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a 42% Approval rating, while 50% of Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. This is not a great start to an re-election campaign folks, this year will see the White House with one aim, getting President Obama re-elected, every action will be political, but to fair that's every White House in this context. The Republican Nominee will be Governor Mitt Romney, thus expect the most vicious political attacks in history to start folks. This is Chicago politics at its most dirty and vicious, they expect no quarter and give no quarter. Let the fun start folks.

Covert Action and Iran

Guardian: Has an opinion article on the covert action in Iran, the article states the following, “ ..illegal action will only ruin any chance of dialogue with Tehran….The covert war against Iran, if not stopped, could escalate out of control.This what the Guardian really thinks folks, the left would allow Iran to get the bomb, and should something happen to Israel they will just say it’s the fault of the Israel and the West. Any covert action has risks, innocent people will get hurt or even killed, the question that the left has to answer, do the left want Israel to strike Iran with its Air Force or would they rather cover action that prevents Iran getting the bomb, and becoming a threat to Israel and the Middle East. In the real world there are hard choices folks, sometimes risks have to be taken, or evil wins.

Death in Tehran - Nuclear Connection ?

Telegraph: Reports that Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan a nuclear scientist in Iran has been killed by a car bomb. One can guess that its Israel, doubt that the CIA or MI6 would given a hit order for a civilian even one doing nuclear work for Iran, but on the other hand one doubts that the Oval or No 10 are asking to much questions on how the CIA, MI6 or Mossad are going to stop Iran from getting the bomb this year. Its all very murky folks, one can postulate that that whatever Intelligence network is doing the ordering is using locals as to prevent a direct connection back to them, the question what ever you think about the strategy is are these covert hit jobs working, Tehran seems to pushing for the bomb, thus we can expect more Executive Action by who knows who, Iran can not be allowed to get the bomb.

Romney WIN in NH

BBC News: Reports on Governor Romney’s victory in New Hampshire with nearly 40% of the vote, 2nd place was Congressman Paul, while third was Governor Hunstman. The projected winner of the NH Primary came at 1am UK time folks, the numbers have not changed much since then, Romney is close to 40%, this gives him a 17% over 2nd place Congressman Paul, lets be honest here folks, Paul is not going to win SC, and he is not going to be the Republican in any context, Hunstman is also a Mormon, and the exit polls show that a large majority of his voters would be happy to see Obama get a 2nd term, thus he will no play well in SC. As for Gingrich and Santorum they are both under 10%, and as long as they stay in the race they split the vote with Paul and Hunstman in SC, in most recent polls Romney also leads in SC, and thus this race is over folks, it might go on but Romney is the Republican Nominee, thus the Romney Campaign has to move to attack President Obama, the General Election start NOW folks.