Sky News: Reports " US deploys 750 troops after attack on its embassy in Iraq..Donald Trump blames Iran for the protests and has called on Iraq to protect the diplomatic mission. "
Lets Get Real:
If POTUS wants to send a message to Iran, he needs to send more troops to Iraq and Syria, and increase the US Naval Fleet in the Gulf, then have a clear and direct message to Tehran, anything else that hurts US interest, then the US will place the blame on Iran and take direct military action, it will be harsh, long and severe, that should get the Tehran Regime to listen, without the need to take actual military action. Fear goes a long way!! When Reagan made a threat he carried it through, strong Presidents are respected, weak ones just get one term as President. Or lose respect when they do not carry through a threat as with the case of Obama when it came to the WMD used by Syrian Regime.