Sunday, June 20, 2021

The New Israeli PM on the US and Iran talks on Obama's nuclear deal - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog would trust the Israeli Mossad over the CIA or the NSA when it comes to IF Iran has the bomb.  After Iraq the intelligence agencies are worried with another mistake, thus they will fudge any report on Iran.   The Biden Administration wants to carry on with the Obama/Iran nuclear deal, because POTUS does not have the spine to take on Iran, he is WEAK, this shown by his actions over Afghanistan.  And through his Vice - Presidency under President Obama, he even opposed getting OBL.  As Robert Gates has stated, Biden has never been right when it comes to foreign policy, why would Biden change now, he must think since he is President he must be right, who is going to tell him otherwise, the LIBERAL PRESS, hardly.  Iran will be a threat in the future, one way or another.