Thursday, March 07, 2013

Obama on John Brennan Confirmation - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real:

The OVAL needs the CIA to be on the ball, to keep the Oval distant, if there should be a major terrorist attack on the US over the next four years then the Democrats can kiss goodbye to 2016.   The Oval has made a bold claim that the Al Qaeda is dead, well the recent events in Africa has shown that franchised Al Qaeda groups are still about, and should these groups in connection with terrorists groups in Syria gain the ability with weapons of mass destruction the the US and the West will come under threat.   In Republican thinking about national security there seems to have developed a split, between those that support the use of drones any where, and those that want the US not to have any drone action.   This strand of thought is risky, in the battle against terrorism you do not have the time to read a terrorist his rights, sometimes you need a drone to kill the threat.  In this the OVAL has been a 100% right, this blog is no great supporter of President Obama, but to his credit has taken on this liberal left wing, so a WIN for the Oval folks. 

A Nuclear Armed North Korea and the US - North Korean Crisis 3

Lets Get Real:

This is of course rubbish folks, the US has not done a thing in the Clinton, Bush 43, Obama Years to prevent North Korea become a nuclear armed power, the question that has to be asked, is what North Korea wants to get back in to the box, what kind of blackmail can the UN and the West accept, does it want food to feed its people, does want real one to one talks with the US.   The harsh truth folks is the fact that North Korea is a nuclear armed power, it can not even be threatened by its close ally China, thus lets hope China has a way to get the Stalinist Regime back in to the box, otherwise as stated in this blog the South will go nuclear, and not far behind will be Japan.   If China does not want a nuclear armed Japan it better start to act like a Super Power and bring its ally to heel in some manner, otherwise a miss step could lead to a regional war, its not out there folks, it could happen. 

North Korean THREAT to US - Korean Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

The North Koreans should be careful, after 9/11 the US voter has very low level of patience for this kind of threat,  the OVAL knows its rubbish, that the Stalinist Regime would be killing itself if it even tried a major military attack, the US voter might be less calm, after the successful nuclear test by North Korea and its ICBM launch.   The Democrats on the Hill will be placing pressure on the Oval to make sure that it does not look weak when it is threatened by North Korea.    It can be postulated that Japan and South Korea will start to wonder should they get the bomb, if the US does not deal with a nuclear armed North Korea, the actions of North Korea could lead to a arms race in the region, as a Iran with the bomb would lead to a arms race in the Middle East.   In the short term the UN and the US can just expect just bluster out of North Korea, but watch this space folks. 

The UN vs. North Korea - Korean Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the UN Security Council has imposed further sanctions on North Korea, these sanctions as the article notes hits, “ North Korean diplomats, cash transfers and access to luxury goods.. ”.

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks WHAT NEXT? the answer not a lot, the North Koreans will bluster, make ALL kinds of threats, than mean nothing, this does not mean that they might not shell some distant area of South Korea or use their Subs, one could postulate that is the most likely outcome.   The North will not start a WAR with the South, this would lead to end of the Stalinist Regime in the North.   The North might try to sell its nuclear technology to Iran, they might try to transfer such materials by sea, thus might mean that the US and its allies have to inspect every ship going in and out of North Korea.    Thus folks the region will be on high alert, the North Koreans will do something, lets hope its not something very stupid, a wrong call on the ground could lead to a regional war with the result of millions of deaths and China facing millions of starving North Koreans and a united Korea in the Western Camp.