Thursday, March 07, 2013

Obama on John Brennan Confirmation - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real:

The OVAL needs the CIA to be on the ball, to keep the Oval distant, if there should be a major terrorist attack on the US over the next four years then the Democrats can kiss goodbye to 2016.   The Oval has made a bold claim that the Al Qaeda is dead, well the recent events in Africa has shown that franchised Al Qaeda groups are still about, and should these groups in connection with terrorists groups in Syria gain the ability with weapons of mass destruction the the US and the West will come under threat.   In Republican thinking about national security there seems to have developed a split, between those that support the use of drones any where, and those that want the US not to have any drone action.   This strand of thought is risky, in the battle against terrorism you do not have the time to read a terrorist his rights, sometimes you need a drone to kill the threat.  In this the OVAL has been a 100% right, this blog is no great supporter of President Obama, but to his credit has taken on this liberal left wing, so a WIN for the Oval folks. 

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