Monday, July 08, 2024

Does President Biden have Parkinson's or Alzheimers ? 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

Democratic Presidents have a habit of laying about their health, Woodrow Wilson about his stroke, FDR that he could walk, he had polio, JFK about his Addison disease and TV's West Wing President that he had MS.  The voters have a right to know that President Biden does not have Parkinson's disease or some form of dementia, that would explain his debate performance.   The White House is fighting back, that is good, as POTUS has stated, he is the only one to have beaten Trump, and Trump is the security threat to the US to the Western Europe and the pushing the Russians out of the Ukraine.  The Democrats have shown that they do not have a profile in courage when it comes to Biden.

Leading Democrat CALLS for Biden to DROP OUT - 2024 Candidates/General Election 2024

Lets Get Real:

This is the latest Democrat to put his head up from the trench, to call for POTUS to go, the Biden Oval has not been quiet, it has send a letter to Democrats in Congress with firm message that the President is staying in the race and has said the same by phoning a TV morning show that he likes.   One does have the feeling has passed, and POTUS will be the Democratic nominee, the Democrats will need to Unite, they must beat Trump, POTUS has stated that Trump is dangerous to the US Democracy, well he will have to watch his step, every mistake will be reported, the media think they have been conned by the Biden Oval, they will want to nail him, so no falling down, no mumbling of speech, the Presidential race has been reset.