Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Obama is a FOOL

CNN: Reports that the Obama Administration will not modernize the US nuclear arsenal and will not use nuclear weapons if attacked by chemical or biological weapons by a non nuclear country. This is why President Obama is unfit to be Command in Chief of the United States, this is the type of 80s seminar bull that is best left in the seminar room. Thus Iran and North Korea will now know that if they attack the US with chemical or biological weapons the USA will not take action. Or if they clever they will give these weapons to Al Qaeda, thus no fingerprints. It seems that President Obama is willing to sacrifice the security of the United States so he can be loved by Norway, this is another reason Obama will get his clocked wiped in 2012, a basic understanding of international politics is that you don't give the enemy your strategy for beating them, lets really hope the Republican take the House and Senate in 2010 and reverse this extreme liberal foolish Agenda. If Obama had been in the shoes of President Truman in 1945 he would have allowed hundred of thousands of US soldiers to die and not drop the nuclear bomb on Japan, Obama is unfit to serve, Republicans pick a decent candidate in 2012 and he will walk his way to the Oval.

Gallup - Obama 49% Approval

Gallup: Reports that President Obama has a 49% job approval in its daily tracking poll, with 46% disapproving of the job performance of President Obama. This poll can be looked at in two ways, at least POTUS is closer to the 50% mark, this is always good for getting your Agenda through Congress. It should be noted that the Gipper in the same time frame has the same level of support, and he later went on to win 49 states in 1984. But the problem is that budge cuts of the early Reagan years then allowed for the economic boom of the late 80s, the Obama health care reform has the hurt in stages, thus tax hikes and and forcing Americans to buy insurance, the election calender thus will be effect by these HCR stages. While Reagan could point to the economic boom ahead, Obama will not be that lucky, he has not spent a year on getting the economy moving, he has spent a year on health care reform, thus it can be postulated that the real verdict on Obama comes in the 2010 Mid Term Elections, if the Republicans can take the House and Senate this will force Obama to the centre of American politics, if the Democrats control both House and Senate they will not learn, they will push their liberal Agenda and Obama will turn in to VP Walter Mondale in 2012.

The Next UK PM

Is David Cameron the next Tony Blair, it can be argued that Mr Cameron has the best chance of winning this time for the Conservative Party.

Change = Conservatives

Vote Conservative Party

The BIG Debates - UK Election

BBC News: Looks at the political timetable in till the votes are cast on May 6th 2010. The most important aspects are the political debates between the Party leaders, thus PM Gordon Brown, the Conservative Leader David Cameron and the Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg will debate on three occasions, the debates are shared between the ITV, BBC and Sky. Thus here at the dates to circle or go out to the pub, ITV starts off on 15 April, Sky on 22 April and BBC the last on 29 April. Let the games start, lets hope we can be as fun as US elections.