The New York Times: Reports the following on the Obama policy when it comes to Syria, the article notes that the President finds himself " in a geopolitical box, his credibility at stake with frustratingly few good options. "
Lets Get Real:
When even the Liberal NYT is stating this to the Oval it has a major problem, when a US President draws a red line and it is crossed, he has to act, or the next man or woman in that chair will find that they have to be an extra hawk because of the weakness of the Obama policy when it comes to Syria. Lets be clear here folks, Iran, North Korea are looking on, they are seeing a President who has boxed himself in, if Obama's fails to act in Syria the Tehran Regime will not take any US threat on face value, the same goes for North Korea, also abdicating Syria to Israeli policy is a massive mistake, its a blank cheque, Israel might think that since Obama will not act over Syria, then what is stop the Oval allowing Iran to go nuclear, something that Israel can not allow, as this would be a threat to the survival of the Jewish State. Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire and called on President Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, but then Reagan was a great President, the early years of the 1980s saw the Cold War go very frosty, even the threat of a nuclear war in 1983, but what ever language Reagan used he never boxed himself in till Iran- Contra, and even then the Gipper got out of it, took some heat but ended the Cold War and helped his VP become President. Thus far Obama is NO Reagan, there was only one Gipper.