Guardian: Reports the following from the White House, " Objects shot down by US fighter jets may be ‘benign’ balloons, White House says...Flying objects could be commercial- or research-linked but US military admits first shot at object over Lake Huron missed "
Lets Get Real:
This story stinks to high heaven, so the US Government is going back to its usual line, it's a weather balloon, if they were so harmless, how did US Fighter Pilot miss with his first short with the last takedown. One can bet the makers of the X - Files will be writing a two parter for the above. This blog has not seen any claim for the three balloons, surly something like that would LEAK out, it's to good a story, Top Guns fighters shoot down a balloon, how come we have not seen any footage of the takedowns, if it was just a balloon it would be out by NOW. If the US Congress wanted to find out the TRUTH they would, what they do not want to know if it alien or from North Korea, Iran, Russia, that would add to the US problems with these Countries. As stated this smells to high heaven, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!