Telegraph - Ukraine Live: Reports the following in its 7.41pm post, " A secret briefing document held by an individual walking into Downing Street has been photographed. It suggests the UK will oppose trade sanctions against Russia following the country’s invasion of Ukraine....The document also suggests that the UK will not try and restrict Russian trade through the City of London. ".
Lets Get Real:
It would not surprise this blog if the above advice comes from the FCO, they never want to take action, ALL words and hot air meaning nothing, the same people who never support Israel and supported Chamberlain and his appeasement policy in the 1930s. At what point does the UK take action, when the Russians are on the border of Poland, A NATO country, no one is asking for the West to send in troops to the Ukraine, but the West of the Ukraine could come under Western security, to prevent Russia taking over the entire Country. The FCO on the whole is not listened to by the better leaders, they represent the weak elite that gave THE UK the 1970s. Time for stern words and brick lines that can not be moved, time to show the Russian Bear that the honey table is off his list, time to take a nap.