Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Does Blair still have IT in political terms - Election 2015

Lets Get Real:

Lets face political reality, in his day Tony Blair was  a rock star of politics, he did win three elections for Labour, of course IRAQ will always be associated with Blair and the Blair Era, BUT should Iraq make everything else of the Blair Agenda seem negative.  The answer is no of course, there was peace in Northern Ireland, there was Western action in Bosnia and Kosovo, and a great economy for most people in the UK.   The modern Labour Party should learn from Blair, he has always argued up in till know that when Labours goes left it losses, lets see who is right, Blair or Miliband, have UK voters gone left or only in the mind of Miliband. 

Blair on Ed Miliband - Election 2015

Lets Get Real:

The left wing elite at the Guardian and the BBC will love this, when it comes to the EU the elite have blinkers on, they would rather be run by the Germans in Berlin than in London.  The elite press will forget Iraq for now, they can jump on Blair after the Iraq report comes out after the general election,  Blair wanted to be President of the EU, but Iraq has stopped such a job coming his way, Blair is only doing this because IF Miliband wins the election he will expect favours for doing this speech.  Thus Vote Conservative to stop Blair getting another international job. 

Greece and Germany - Euro Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Greek Government is not winning friends in Germany with this demand, it goes down well with the left in Germany, but they are nowhere near the power centre.   The Greeks have a cheek to ask for this money, the ONLY Country that could ask for money from the Germans is the British, lets see WW1 AND of course WW2.   The Greeks have been living off the fat of the Euro for years, now the bad dog has come back home, the Greek economy is a mess and the new left wing government is looking at anyway to avoid paying its debts. SHAME ON GREECE AND ITS PEOPLE.