Telegraph - Live Blog: Reporters the following on the Labour Party's U - turn over the Chancellor's fiscal charter, " This tweet from the BBC's Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg suggests that Jeremy Corbyn did not even know that John McDonnell was a planning a U-turn over his initial support for George Osborne's fiscal charter. "
Lets Get Real:
This shows a Party out of control, the Shadow Chancellor changes the Party policy without even talking to the Shadow Cabinet and forcing the Party to learn via the debate tomorrow the details of his new plan. The Corbyn " new politics " seems to have gone through the window, this leadership telling its MP's how to roll without much back up for them to talk to reporters. The Conservative Government in welfare should go to the right, the Opposition is a mess from the leadership on down, the Country elected a Conservative government to be tough on welfare, the shambles of Labour shows that the there is no real Opposition to the government. It is better now to split the Labour Party by forcing them to tackle hard issues, from the fiscal charter to Trident, and lets not forget Syria. Troubling days ahead for the Labour Party.