Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gaza Update 2 - Middle East Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The optics of taking out UN buildings was not good for Israel, also the Oval it can be assume placed pressure on Israel to agree to the ceasefire, lets see how long it lasts, will Hamas in Gaza really not fire rockets at Israel, or will they just say ISRAEL broke it first even if they have not and start to fire again and use their tunnels.   The Israeli Government must stand tough, it must stand up to the US and the UN, the UN has never supported Israel and in 2017 there will be a new US President, it could be a Republican thus can be expected to support Israel. 

Gaza Update - Middle East Crisis

Lets Get Real: 

As it was the White House Press Secretary stating the viewpoint of the Oval it gets press attention, but it was not President Obama in person, or leading Democrats from the US Congress, thus this story can be dismissed, the Mid Terms are to close for the Democrats to start a political war with Israel, they would lose, the Israeli Lobby can be a good friend or a long term enemy.   There are always election cycles, and politicians  need the money to run their campaigns   thus they have weak points, the Oval does not have to run again thus can spout off, but there is no real threat, the US will not place sanctions on Israel, and should the Oval try it would be blocked by the US Congress.   Thus the media elite can run with this story, but there is no follow up by the Oval, there is never with Obama.