The Washington Post: As the WP points out they did an article yesterday as to why Obama should pick Biden, one can only guess what Obama thought after reading this article. This is the reverse argument as to why Obama should keep Biden away with a very long stick. As Reagan the WP states that the Senator has a fondness for his rhetoric and is quite happy to bore other people. Does Obama wish he had a Tardis? Read of the Day.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Reagan on Biden
I did wonder what the Gippper thought of Senator Joe Biden, the Gipper was right of course about Biden. In The Reagan Diaries, President Reagan stated on the 15th of June 1987 that " He's smooth but pure demagogue ( spelling corrected ) - out to save Am. from the Reagan Doctrine. " As with Iraq Biden was wrong when it came to the Reagan policy of dealing with the Soviets, he was for Arms Reduction as opposed to winning the Cold War. The theme of the Obama Campaign has been change but the Partisan warfare of Washington is one of the foundations of the Biden record in the Senate. One can imagine Political Ads from the McCain Camp that will show that Biden has been the problem in Washington D.C not the solution, a politician who play on the fears of the voters and not the truth as is the case in Iraq. The point of Biden lets be honest is to mitgate the lack of National Security background of Obama, but that experience that Biden brings is just not right for Obama, he will never be a political threat to Obama as Hillary Clinton would have been as VP, but following the Bush Model as with Cheney has not worked out as was seen in the 2000 race, Cheney was meant to prevent Wars like Iraq, the reverse happened, Obama has show that he is weak by this move, we shall see what the voters think of the move, the Gipper would not have been impressed, at least he had Bush 41 as VP and he had a good record on National Security.
Reagan, Ronald, Edited by Douglas Brinkley, The Reagan Diaries, HarperCollins, 2007.P507.
Ukraine and Nato
The Times: Exclusive Story in the paper of record. The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko wants the Ukraine in NATO. The War between Georgia and Russia has shown that Russia can not be trusted, the Ukraine should be in NATO, this would show Russia that some lines should not be crossed as it could cause a major War between Russia and the West.
Biden on Obama by McCain
Great Ad by the McCain Campaign, using the words of Biden against Obama as a reason to vote for McCain.
Stealing Georgia
BBC News: Reports that Russia is to keep troops at the Georgian Port of Poti. This is against the Ceasefire, if the West does not take action then expect more trouble down the road, one can postulate that the Russians will try to get Russian Passports to those people that support it in the Ukraine, then we will see what happened in Georgia happen in the Ukraine, is the West ready for the Russians to get the wrong idea and start a War with the Ukraine, a War that will drag in the West and NATO. The West has learned nothing from Munich and World War 11.
Bush Era and Beyond,
A Win for Russia!
BBC News: Reports that the USA and France are not happy that Russia is following the terms of the Ceasefire with Georgia. The Russians have broken their word, the old Reagan line comes to mind again, Trust but Verify, the West has verified that the Russians are still in Georgia proper, they have won the tactical round but on the Strategic level we have to make the Russians pay for this Invasion of Georgia and the keeping of troops in Georgia that goes against the Ceasefire deal that was bought to the table by the French. The Ukraine should be bought in to NATO and Russia should be placed in a Cold Freeze, till it acts like a respected actor on the World Stage.
Bush Era and Beyond,
NYT on the Biden
The New York Times: On Senator Biden becoming the VP to Obama. They point out the experience that Biden brings to the ticket but what they leave out is that it could be wrong experience, he wanted to split up Iraq in to three provinces, it was McCain that had the right answer to the question of Iraq. The NYT does make a very good point that Obama has followed the Bush model for his VP, in other words not a political threat to him, also like Dick Cheney, Biden will be to old to run for President after one or two terms for Obama. I wonder what Hillary Clinton will be thinking at this exact moment, I know what Bill is thinking and you cant write that in a blog!
Weekend Polls
Lets have a look at the Tracking Polls before the Democratic Convention and naming of Joe Biden as VP to Obama.
Gallup: Reports a tied race between McCain and Obama. The Tracking Polls find the following, Obama 45% - McCain 44%. The McCain Campaign has predicted that Obama will come out of the Democratic Convention with a 15% lead in the polls. This would be a big bounce, but if Obama gives a great speech and the Liberal Media sticks the script and fawns over him then its in the realm of reality. If Obama gets that swing and keeps it he would win in a landslide, not holding my breath over that result.
Rasmussen: Also finds a tied race, the poll finds the following, Obama 47% - McCain 46%.
The well respected RealClearPolitics average of the Polls has Obama leading by 1.4%. In other words a tied race, the Conventions this year could give either candidates a bounce that could place them on the road to victory.
Obama/Biden 08
BBC News: Reports that Joe Biden has been selected to run with Senator Obama. The naming of Obama is meant to negate the weakness of Obama in National Security. The problem on Iraq Biden wanted to split up Iraq in to three provinces, he saw it as a failed state, President Bush was right when it came to Iraq and the surge. The McCain Campaign should start to run Political Ads which shows that Obama has made a mistake, and shows clips of Biden when it comes to Iraq and his wrong solution for that problem. If Georgia had not come up it is interesting would Obama have chosen Biden, would he have not preferred the Governor of Virgina.
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