Friday, July 12, 2013

NYT and Republican House

Lets Get Real:

The Republican House must be doing its job, the uber LIBERAL NYT is going around the twist, the paper supported ObamaCare, even through it was push through the Congress with NO Republican support, and with no one who had read it, thus the present problems, the Republicans retook the House because the US voter does not trust the BIG GOVERNMENT agenda of Liberals and the Oval.   Thus on the whole the House is doing a fine job, it is going slow on Immigration reform, get it right first, then it is cutting the big government spend of the Oval.   The NYT has to get its head out of the 1960s, its the 21 Century, its paternal racist and is snobbish when it comes to the poor.   The Reagan and Thatcher Eras change the UK and the US, the NYT is still stuck in the past, one would not be surprised if its still had a picture of Stalin up, yes folks its that out of it, the future has passed the NYT. 

Obama and the Polls

RCP: Reports on the average of the job approval polls for President Obama, today the Oval has a " 45% approval rating, while 49.6%  disapprove of the Obama job performance ".

Lets Get Real:

Lets look at the Gallup polls numbers for Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Bush 43 at this time in their Presidencies, Reagan was on 63% approval ( his final rating in 1988 ), Bill Clinton was on 58% ( his final rating was 66% ), while Bush 43 was on 49% ( his final rating was 29% ).    Thus President Obama has to be careful he does not go down the Bush 43 route, lets see what his poll numbers are like after ObamaCare comes in to effect, also the Individual and Employers Mandate, one can expect his polls to take a hit, will the Obama record be a negative or positive for the Democratic nominee in 2017, lets recall Reagan helped Bush 41 get elected, while Clinton was seen as political toxic for the Gore Campaign after the Clinton scandals.  One can postulate NOW that Democratic political managers are thinking of how to avoid having Obama on the same stand as the Democratic Nominee should his polls be at the same level as Bush 43, lets be honest there is no love lost between Bill Clinton and President Obama, if Hillary Clinton wins in 2017 the Obama crowd will be OUT in the Cold, well Chicago!.   Thus folks watch the polls, can you see the path in 2017. 

Snowden vs. The US - Traitor Story 1

Guardian: Reports that the US Traitor Edward Snowden has stated the following from Russia, " ..has said US officials are waging a campaign to prevent him from taking up asylum offers..".

Lets Get Real:

One has to wonder is Edward Snowden naive or just thick, of course the US is going to make this as difficult as it can for him, he has released some of the major state secrets of the US, did the he expect the US to give him a beer and a thanks on the back, lets recall the elite media has a problem, its a Democrat in the White House, if all the Snowden material had come out during a Republican Presidency the left would be calling for a Special Prosecutor or the resignation of the President.    The Snowden case has not helped itself by first going to China then Russia, hardly Western democracies.  The US is using soft power, making clear to any Country that takes him that this would finish any relationship with the US, the US might be 16 trillion in debt, it is still an economic power, thus folks Snowden might find himself in  hell hole, that has a kind of poetic justice to it folks, a traitor in a hell hole. 

Teachers and the UK Coalition Government

BBC News: Reports that teachers in England and Wales are to go on day strikes and regional strikes in opposition to government reform of education. 

Lets Get Real:

The teachers that go on strike should be ashamed of their actions, they are public servants, they wish to be treated as public sector professionals, well if they go on strike they are nothing better than militant trouble makers who should be sacked, the Government should place new contracts that forbids strike action by teachers, the education of students is damaged, and those that go in Education want to see students get the best education, missing lessons for strikes is not a great morel lesson for the students.    Thus blog recalls the teacher strikes of the early 80s,  one does lose respect for people who seem just want more money, what about the tax payer, they will be stuck with students, this will damage the work prospects of the parents.    Thus SACK these Trots and be firm Coalition Government, do what Reagan did with the air traffic controllers, he sacked them, that got the attention of the USSR, the UK needs firm Government folks.