The New York Times: The left wing NYT writes the following on the Republican House, " The nation’s founders created two chambers for a reason, but Republicans, in their blind fury to harm the least fortunate, are forgetting even those fundamental national values. ".
Lets Get Real:
The Republican House must be doing its job, the uber LIBERAL NYT is going around the twist, the paper supported ObamaCare, even through it was push through the Congress with NO Republican support, and with no one who had read it, thus the present problems, the Republicans retook the House because the US voter does not trust the BIG GOVERNMENT agenda of Liberals and the Oval. Thus on the whole the House is doing a fine job, it is going slow on Immigration reform, get it right first, then it is cutting the big government spend of the Oval. The NYT has to get its head out of the 1960s, its the 21 Century, its paternal racist and is snobbish when it comes to the poor. The Reagan and Thatcher Eras change the UK and the US, the NYT is still stuck in the past, one would not be surprised if its still had a picture of Stalin up, yes folks its that out of it, the future has passed the NYT.