Friday, July 12, 2013

Snowden vs. The US - Traitor Story 1

Guardian: Reports that the US Traitor Edward Snowden has stated the following from Russia, " ..has said US officials are waging a campaign to prevent him from taking up asylum offers..".

Lets Get Real:

One has to wonder is Edward Snowden naive or just thick, of course the US is going to make this as difficult as it can for him, he has released some of the major state secrets of the US, did the he expect the US to give him a beer and a thanks on the back, lets recall the elite media has a problem, its a Democrat in the White House, if all the Snowden material had come out during a Republican Presidency the left would be calling for a Special Prosecutor or the resignation of the President.    The Snowden case has not helped itself by first going to China then Russia, hardly Western democracies.  The US is using soft power, making clear to any Country that takes him that this would finish any relationship with the US, the US might be 16 trillion in debt, it is still an economic power, thus folks Snowden might find himself in  hell hole, that has a kind of poetic justice to it folks, a traitor in a hell hole. 

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