Thursday, January 30, 2014

The MESS in the Ukraine - Great Russia Threat

Lets Get Real:

The Ukrainian protesters have to careful that they do not give a reason for President Putin of Russia to march in to the Eastern part of the Ukraine to protect Russian natives, Putin's Russia wants to return Russia to the former lands of the old USSR, thus if the Ukraine looks like it is falling in to Civil War it could use that reason.   If the President is off on sick leave and the Government has resigned, who is running the Ukraine, a leaderless country allows right and left wing extremes to fill up the space of power, thus the Ukraine protesters have to play their cards with care and know when they have won. 

Blair on the the Egyptian Counter Revolution - Egypt Crisis

Lets Get Real: 

The liberal left will go bonkers with the above remarks, the extreme left consider Mr Blair a War Criminal after the Iraq War, this will further the image that Blair is on the extreme right wing of politics and only cares about Western interests in the Middle East.   As with the Iraq War Mr Blair is RIGHT, the Egyptian Army acted to protect the people of Egypt from the Government turning Egypt in to another Iran.   The mass support for the Army by the people has shown that the Muslim Brotherhood had abused it time in power to for its own end, and thus the people revolted.  Hat off to Mr Blair for his wise words and actions.   It is a pity that Mr Blair is not in power NOW, Syria would be so different under a Bush 43/Blair type of leadership. 

WMD and Syria - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports the following on the agreement by Syria to give up its WMD, " US 'concern' at Syria chemical weapons delay ".

Lets Get Real:

Why should Assad follow through with the agreement, he knows that President Obama will never follow through with a strike, there is no political will in D.C or in the US as a whole for another War, the latest strikes on Syria have been by Israel and Turkey.   The Assad Regime will give enough but wants to keep some of its WMD in case the Syrian rebels are at the doors of the Presidential Palace.     In this Assad will be supported by Russia and Iran.   The Obama Oval wants a deal with Iran so bad it will over look that Tehran is keeping Assad in power.    This lack of will by POTUS is the reason the Middle East is falling apart, from Egypt to Iraq.    POTUS has allowed Russia to come back as a World leader, thus the new New Cold War.