Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Binyamin Netanyahu = NOT OUT

Guardian: Even the left Guardian has some words of caution for the Obama Administration, the Guardian states the following, " But Netanyahu's fight plan is formidable, his red lines clear, and his blood is up.....Bibi is a tough nut to crack. ". Thus those that think that because Obama has won over health care reform that makes him stronger in the Middle East are misreading the Middle East and American politics. Th US Congress in the shape of Speaker Pelosi will always support Israel, the Congress will rebuff actions that have a negative effect on Israel. Also they will do that due to the political calender, the Democrats can not afford to lose the Israeli Lobby before the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections and Obama can not afford to lose them before the 2012 Presidential Election. The real worry is that Iran will misread the relationship between Israel and the USA. They could go for broke and try to get the bomb faster than most intelligence agencies think at the present. Thus Obama should have a picture of LBJ on his desk, it was not the Great Society that bought down LBJ it was Vietnam, lets hope Obama does not allow Iran to bring him down as it bought down President Carter.

Obama vs Israel

CBS News: Reports on the tense frozen relationship between the Obama Administration and Israel. As stated many writers have made the connection between Obama winning health care reform and his ability to bully Israel. There is no connection, just because POTUS could bully his Democrats in the House, he can be told to get lost by Israel due to the fact as shown of late the Israeli Government has a lot of support on the Hill. At a recent news event Speaker Pelosi made of point of stating that the Republicans and Democrats stood as one when it came to the support of Israel. Thus the Israeli PM can tell Obama to get lost, Obama could threaten to cut funds for Israeli security, a) Congress would rebuff him and also restate the money b) the Israeli lobby would would and could cause a political nightmare for Obama on the Hill. Its when a firm support of Israel like Ronald Reagan makes a threat as he did over Israeli action in Lebanon that Israeli Government have to take notice, also Israel has a Ace up its sleeve, it can bomb Iran at a time of its choosing, and place Obama in a tight political spot, support and lose the Middle East or be critical and lose the Presidency in the 2012. The Israeli Government can wait out President Obama, as can Russia, China and Iran.

USA and Russia - Nuclear Arms Deal

Fox News: Reports that the USA and Russia are close to a major nuclear arms deal, the treaty will be signed in the Czech Republic. Thus the Obama appeasement of Russia at the expense of the Czech Republic and Poland seems to have born some fruits. As your humble correspondent was a child of the Cold War the ending of the Cold War was a major achievement by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev, thus its time that the USA and Russia really made deep cuts in their nuclear arsenals. But to quote the Gipper lets " Trust but Verify "*

* "Remarks on Signing the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, December 8, 1987 ".The Public Papers of President Ronald W. Reagan. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. (accessed 24 March 2010)