Tuesday, August 04, 2015

End the Labour Madness - Alan Johnson, Former Home Secretary

Lets Get Real:

The problem with Yvetter Cooper is that she is married to Ed Balls, the once right hand man for Gordon Brown, the Blair or virus section of the party might think they have gone down the Gordon Brown road with Ed Miliband and do not want to lose in 2020.   But on the other hand it would allow time for David Miliband to come back after a few years and take the Party in to the 2020 election, as a campaigner Ms Cooper does not impress and is too rigid in the House of Commons.  At least Ms Cooper is not CORBYN, and it would be up to her to show that Ed Balls is not pulling the strings from behiond the curtain or their front door.   If only Mr Johnson had wanted to be leader, he would have saved the Party a lot of stress over the last few weeks. 

Biden vs. Clinton - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The Clintons are not taking prisoners this time, they are in the 2016 election to win, and in that process they will roll over and will not forgive any blocks on the road.   As a sitting Vice President, Joe Biden should have been a front runner, but he has left it to late, the Clintons have the money tied up and most of the Democratic establishment.  Also a move by Biden would place POTUS in a bad position, he would have to make sure that any policy news does not hurt his VP.  If Biden does not run then POTUS can push for action via executive action and hope it sticks after 2016.   Also lets be honest here, both Hillary and Joe are not young any more, does the VP really want to spend a year on the campaign trail, it would be wiser for the VP to be made a Ambassador to Europe in a Clinton victory.    The running for Presidency is a young man,woman's game these days.