Telegraph: Reports on the PR campaign of Chris Huhne, the article notes the following, “ Even as he was jailed, Chris Huhne appeared to be preparing the ground for a potential rehabilitation and perhaps even a return to public life. ”.
Lets Get Real:
Folks, anyone planning a re - entry to public life before going to prison is showing extreme arrogance, one has to say this blog has doubts about the sorrow as stated by Mr Huhne, it would have seen more real if there has not be a PR start to the comeback before he had done a night in prison. This is the modern 24/7 new cycle folks, Mr Huhne is clever, he might be to clever for his own good, one can see that after he does his time, he will turn up as a Guardian writer and of course on the BBC. Think folks if it was you or me, would we have a PR machine starting before we go to jail, would the political elite be showing this kind of kindness, one has doubts. This shows how rotten the UK political system is folks, at the end of the day the elite of the political class, banking and press drink the same water, they know if one of their own fall they could be next, thus the general support for Huhne, the Judge was somwhat harsher on the ex wife than on the Cabinet Minister, yes folks think about that, the ex wife got in the neck, she got the same sentence as her ex husband, a former Cabinet Minister and ex MP. It is a dark world folks.