CNN - Politics: Reports that the White House Press Secretary has stated the the White House Counsel was informed, " on April 24 included details of improper acts by IRS officials. ".
Lets Get Real:
Thus folks the Obama White House is taking a lot on TRUST, and its a BIG IF, lets for a second give them the benefit of the DOUBT, just for a second, so we are believe that the White House Counsel and the Chief of Staff had this explosive story and kept it to themselves, my backside, sorry folks, that Pig will not fly. Everyone in D.C knows you have to CYA in this kind of story, they have seen what happens to staff in other scandals, if the Oval was not informed then the Oval needs a staff clear out, a President can not function if his or her STAFF think they better not tell the Chief, if your told you can warn your friends on the Hill, they can get the defence shield up, you do not leave them in no man's land, having to answer to their voters, no matter the polls at the present folks, the AP, Libya and IRS scandals have months to go, a lot of hearings, who knows who might come out of the woodwork, the Staff have let the Oval down, time for heads to roll folks.