Monday, May 20, 2013

Obama and the IRS Part 3

CNN - Politics: Reports that the White House Press Secretary has stated the the White House Counsel was informed,   " on April 24 included details of improper acts by IRS officials. ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the Obama White House is taking a lot on TRUST, and its a BIG IF, lets for a second give them the benefit of the DOUBT, just for a second, so we are believe that the White House Counsel and the Chief of Staff had this explosive story and kept it to themselves, my backside, sorry folks, that Pig will not fly.   Everyone in D.C knows you have to CYA in this kind of story, they have seen what happens to staff in other scandals, if the Oval was not informed then the Oval needs a staff clear out, a President can not function if his or her STAFF think they better not tell the Chief, if your told you can warn your friends on the Hill, they can get the defence shield up, you do not leave them in no man's land, having to answer to their voters, no matter the polls at the present folks, the AP, Libya and IRS scandals have months to go, a lot of hearings, who knows who might come out of the woodwork, the Staff have let the Oval down, time for heads to roll folks. 

Obama and the IRS Part 2

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the Oval needs NEW staff, the White House staff can not keep this stuff of the Presidential desk, President Obama wanted the job, well the bad aspects of the job also have to be dealt with, the question is will anyone believe this story, in the modern White House can a President really be that out of touch, the US Senate has asked for all the info, lets hope there are no leads to the Oval before the story broke or its big trouble time for the Oval.  Lets give the Oval the benefit of the doubt, a BIG IF, if true the Oval needs a new Chief of Staff and White House Counsel, there political radar is out of town, planet would be better.  The President should spend less time on the golf course and more time at his desk, this is a disgrace, why did President Obama want the job, to ride Air Force One only.  This scandal has legs folks, its the Chicago way. 

Obama and the IRS - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

If the Oval was no told that the tax scandal was coming then the Oval is being let down by his White House staff, but lets recall the the Oval did not answer a direct question when asked by a reporter if any one in the White House knew about the story before it broke, he  just said he didn't know, in other words weasel words.   This is a major scandal folks, the targeting of Tea Party and Conservative groups through two election cycles, and NO ONE told the Oval, there is out of touch and not being on the planet, this story has been rumbling for years, and NO ONE mentioned it the Oval, a recent source told CBS news that they were more idiots that Nixon, that really helps, and these people are in charge of US security.    A US Senate Committee has asked for who knew what when, lets see what that brings up, this story stinks folks, it has Chicago dirty pool written ALL over it, lets see what other dirt comes, this is just the start folks, trust me. 

Obama vs. Fox News

The Washington Post: Reports that the Obama Department of Justice targeted a Fox New reporter over a North Korean leak in 2009. 

Lets Get Real: 

Folks if your a reporter or a blogger on current affairs you should read this article and see how the Obama DOJ has lost the plot, if they are going after these kind of leaks every reporter and blogger should be taking the Obama Oval to task, this could HAPPEN TO YOU, as the article notes the DOJ, " They used security badge access records to track the reporter’s comings and goings from the State Department....They traced the timing of his calls with a State Department security adviser ....They obtained a search warrant for the reporter’s personal e-mails. ".  The leak was not the development of the US nuclear bomb folks, also how come the leaks to the NYT which showed US covert actions when it comes to Iran seem to have been left alone, could it be that the Obama Oval leaked those stories as they made the Oval look good, no matter the security results.    Also its a Fox News reporter, how come NO NYT reporters have been in the frame.  This could be the tax scandal again, those lower down the pole taking their lead from the Oval, who has the Oval been attacking for years, Tea Party groups and Fox News.   Time for reporters and bloggers to take a stand, if you do not folks you could be next, think folks, and stand against the Obama Oval.