Friday, March 29, 2019

A Soft Brexit ? - Brexit Update 3 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

This blog would be very surprised if the Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn will support the UK staying the single market, due to the fact that EU rules would prevent him taking over large areas of the economy if Labour won the election.  Also in the last vote, the Cabinet and a few Conservative MPs abstained, so a Customs Union is not a automatic winner in Parliament.   Also this coalition of MPs would not last, there is always after Brexit, and the difference between the Conservatives and Labour would mean Party loyalties would return to their natural combative structure.  The Monday votes will be interesting, can any option gain a majority, and will it be the first option for many MPs.   

What HAPPENS after WA1 is DEFEATED? - Brexit Update 2 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

This blog is quite cynical when it comes to politics, nothing much shocks this blog, but the very fact that 17.4 million votes are being flushed down the toilet by the House of Commons shows that we are not living a DEMOCRACY ANY MORE, we are seen as thick plebs who do not understand what is good for them, and that MPs UNDERSTAND the process better and thus we the PEOPLE should shut up.   Thus after WA1 is voted down one can expect that there will be calls for the PM to go, she can argue back that she offered that if her Bill was passed, as that is not going to happen why should the PM resign.   A Conservative leadership contest is the last thing the Conservatives need.   The Conservative Party will face TOUGH council elections and then the Euro Elections.   One can expect the candidates will get some grief from knocking on the doors of the voters, these elections were not meant to happen, one hopes a new BREXIT PARTY will take the Conservatives and Labour to the cleaners. 

Withdrawal Agreement 1 - New Vote - Brexit Update 1 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

One does really wonder why the PM is doing this, the vote is already roadkill, the Labour Party and the DUP will oppose it and enough BREXIT MPs will also vote down the motion.  Then the PM will face the humiliation of going back to the EU to ask for a LONG EXTENSION, 1 to 2 years, also the UK will have to take part in the European Parliamentary Elections.  IF the PM was stronger after the vote she would declare that Parliament would be suspended and to return after the UK leaves the EU, that kind of action would take political courage, the PM has showed that she has no political backbone.   After the WA1 is lost, the PM will stay on but will face calls for her to resign.   Then the Conservatives will have a leadership contest, more trouble and strife for the Conservative Party.  It is hard to stomach, but the UK could have been out of the EU.   The political elite has subverted democracy, THIS BLOGGER WILL NOT BE VOTING AGAIN.