Guardian - Live Blog: Reports the following in its 2.44pm post, " Russian president Vladimir Putin has said there has been no constructive response to Russia’s proposals on security and once again claimed there are “human rights violations” in the Donbass in eastern Ukraine. "
Lets Get Real:
WHY is Putin playing the same record if he is going to withdraw troops, as stated the removal of troops from the borders of the Ukraine could have been done just to get some better tv news coverage before the new German Chancellor arrived. It will be interesting to see what happens after the meeting between the Putin and the German Chancellor, will there be more troop withdrawals or does Russia invade. One expects that the NSA in the US and GCHQ will be following communication traffic from the troops in the area. The military satellites in orbit will be able to tell if the Russians are really removing troops and their equipment. If the Russians leave the heavy kit it can be argued that the removal of troops is a faint, that the troops can return. It seems that Putin will use human rights violations in East Ukraine as a reason to invade. The Russian Bear doe not change that much, it still has sharp claws.