Sunday, April 23, 2017

Corbyn would ABANDON the UK's Defences - Campaign Trail 10 - GE2017

Lets Get Real:

It is said that the 1983 Labour Manifesto was the longer political suicide note in history, well 2017 Manifesto might beat that, if Labour goes to the Country with the above kind of rubbish the election will more than a walk over, the Labour Party could be destroyed.   One wonders how those on the right of the Labour Party are going to stand as candidates if they have to support the UK getting rid of its nuclear missiles, even moderate left wingers will look aghast at the above ideas.   One can only hope that after the County Council elections that Corbyn is sacked by his Union supporters, otherwise the next election for Labour will be in 2030.

Corbyn would leave the UK Defenceless - Campaign Trail 9

Lets Get Real:

IF you want to keep the UK secure you can only make one moral choice, that is to VOTE Conservative, the Labour Party has gone extreme left and is over a cliff.   The UK under Corbyn would be a laughing stock, you might as well remove Great from GB.   This shows that the Labour Era under Tony Blair was superficial, that the Labour HEART never accepted New Labour, and in its heart of hearts has gone back to its favourite area, on the extreme left of the political spectrum.   The newspapers will slice and dice Corbyn over the next few weeks, it will not be pretty but it has to be done, it can be argued that Team Corby is a threat to the national security of the UK. 

The Polls - Campaign Trail 8 - GE2017

Lets Get Real:

On the whole thus far the election looks good for the Conservatives, but Party HQ should take nothing for granted, the THREAT from Labour is real, the BBC and Guardian will be soft peddling their policies as they are fellow travellers.   The Conservative Party has to be the Party of lower taxes, supporting OAP's as they vote, and thus should keep the triple lock that increase money for the old, one major reason, the old go and VOTE.   The Young can not be bothered to leave their smartphones for a minute.   Also since half the population is female, the Conservative Party should stress that it has a female PM and a strong one at that, unlike the weak Labour Party. 

North Korea and the US - North Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The North Koreans have a habit of this, they want the US to send a Special Envoy for talks, one would assume that they want President Clinton to visit again, he helped with the release of a hostage a few years ago.  The Trump Administration should ask the former President if he will go, but he must understand that if he goes there he is not there to start talks on the nuclear build up of North Korea, Jimmy Carter did that to Clinton in 1994, thus the bad deal that allowed the North to carry on with its nuclear development.  It would be a quick in and out job for the former President, if North Korea wants back channel talks it could start them through the offices of the former President. 

Smile - Doctor Who Review

Lets Get Real:

This episode was not as great as last weeks, the resolution could have been done with a few minutes, not 42 minutes.  The Robots were far to small, they were sweet, not really a threat to the Doctor and Bill.  It was nice to learn why the Doctor was stuck on Earth, what has he done, and one can guess it was the Time Lords that made him stay on Earth, it would not be the first time.   The character of Bill is developing, always questioning the Doctor, the good Doctor has been slow to tell her that he is a Time Lord thus with the right to action when others do not.    It was fun to see the colony residents reacts the normal human way, guns first and start firing.   The Doctor of course wanted talks, and after getting rid of the threat the Robots started to see the humans as a cash cow, that bit was fun.  I am looking forward to the next episode, set in Victorian London.