Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Elite Media – Update

New York Times: The bastion of Liberal Establishment is not happy; one can almost hear it getting its knickers in a twist that Clinton is still in the race. The Paper of record states the following on the Campaign, “ The party wants a standard-bearer now to wage the war against the newly minted leader of the Republicans, Senator John McCain, who enjoys a head start with every day that the Democrats lack a nominee of their own.In other words, we have seven weeks for brushing campaign and at the end we could still have Obama ahead of Clinton and it will come down to the Super Delegates. Are the Super Delegates going to annoy one of the foundations of the Democratic Party the African – American Community? Think if the Convention goes for Clinton when she is behind in Pledge Delegates what will the African – American Community think of the process. An Election stolen, will they then come out to vote for the Democrats?

Prize for Best Political Advert of 2008

This prize must go to the 3am add by the Clinton Campaign. They say the best ideas are old ideas; this advert was inspired by an Ad done by Walter Mondale in 1984 to finish off the Campaign of Gary Hart. It goes for the throat and is very effective, politics is about winning and stopping your opponent, and it can be argued that this advert had that effect and thus a prize for a great advert.

Elite Media and the Vote

CBS News: Very good analyses of the night, Clinton back, Obama still ahead in Delegates, McCain the Republican Nominee has the time to plan. This unexpected race has a long way to go, more fun to be had in the Democratic Race. Must Read of the Day.

John McCain – Republican Nominee for President

Senator John McCain has won the Republican Nomination for President. He won all the states in play last night; Governor Huckabee withdrew when he saw McCain has the delegates. President George W. Bush today at the White House will endorse the Senator. This is a chance for McCain to stress his polices while the Democrats debate between themselves and through negative adds at each other. McCain needs to stress his Conservative Polices and his National Security experience in the Senate and the field. He needs the American people to think it would be better for them for him to be in the White House to answer that 3am Call.

The Results - Dems

The Clinton Campaign has survived to fight another day, Clinton won the big States, the Texas Primary by a narrow margin, the Caucus is still going on, she had a very good win in Ohio and Rhode Island. Lets break it down, close win in the popular vote in Texas, Clinton 51%, Obama 47%, Ohio, a much bigger win for Clinton, Clinton 55%, Obama 43%. In the smaller states, Vermont and Rhode Island, we have a split choice, in Vermont a big win for Obama, Obama 60%, and Clinton 38%. In Rhode Island, a big win for Clinton, Clinton 58%, and Obama 40%.

The Obama Campaign is going with the fact that in delegates they are still ahead but that is not the point, they had more money and they had more political adverts on and they did not close the deal with the voters, the Campaign could go to the convention. One line for the night, Clinton is back.