Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Press at the White House - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real:

Have fun folks, the 4th Estate vs. the Obama Administration. 

Dowd on Obama and Libya - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks if you follow the above logic the next question that has to be asked, how much did the Oval know about the whitewashing of the talking points after Benghazi, did the Oval or the White House place pressure on the CIA or Hillary Clinton to follow the party line, did the Oval okay the laying to the US voter before the Presidential Election about what happened in Libya, when the President on down for weeks stressed the vile video how out of touch with the truth were they, or did they know the truth and lie anyway, it can be stated that the Oval and State, e.g Obama and Clinton lied to the families of those Americans killed in Libya, they stated face to face to these families that their loved ones died due to vile video, that was not true and they knew it, thus the Oval should be humble, say SORRY, take the blame, as Reagan did over Iran - Contra and move on, the shine has gone off the Obama Presidency some time ago, but like Reagan, President Obama can get enough back if he is honest with the US voter.   The Oval does not have all the time in the world, in this 24/7 news world if there are other scandals they will come out, get ahead of them NOW, otherwise it it will be a long 2nd term and cold. 

2nd Term Blues - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real:

If the 2nd Obama term does become a lame duck it will be the fastest of the modern era, one would have to go back to Watergate and the Presidency of Richard Nixon for the celebration of a 2nd term win to fall apart so fast, the Watergate hearings started in early 1973.   President Obama has been called the Liberal Reagan, at least Iran - Contra came at the end of 1986, two years in to the 2nd term, over all in the 2nd Term Reagan got through tax reform, and the INF Treaty with USSR, also Reagan's VP, Bush 41 was his successor, it was seen as a third Reagan term.   Thus what should the Obama team do about Benghazi, well lets get brutal here folks, someone has to take the political fall, so President Obama has a choice, either he takes the blame and his Administration is dead in the Water or he throws Hillary Clinton under the bus, lets understand, if the Clinton's think that its a choice between Hillary Clinton and President Obama, then Obama will be thrown off the nearest cliff without a moments thought, and the Clinton's do not play by the rules.  The question why did the State Department want ALL reference of terrorism removed from the talking points after the attack in Benghazi, was Hillary her own agent, or was she under pressure from the White House to create a false reality, lets recall the Campaign team had run that UBL was dead and so was Al Qaeda, the attack in Libya was a major problem on the PR front, thus they need to keep the story off the news in till after the election, thus the present problems.   The Obama team can not afford to play by the Clinton play book, in that period Bill Clinton stalled, if Obama's stalls his domestic agenda is dead on the Hill, so to limit this mess the Obama team should follow the Reagan team, release everything early, get out in front of the story, even have POTUS as humble, that will be a new thing for Obama, limit the damage and go on, the one pause on that strategy folks is the role of POTUS before, during and after the Libyan attack, if he was a driving force for the talking points he might need to be censured by the US House, we shall see folks. 

Syria vs. Turkey - Syrian Crisis

BBC News: Reports that Turkish Authorities have arrested 9 people after the two car bomb attacks on its town close to the Turkish and Syrian border, the Turks believe that Syrian Intelligence was behind the attacks. 

Lets Get Real:

The Syrians if they are not careful will drag in Turkey in to the Syrian Civil War, also lets recall Turkey is part of NATO, an attack on one is an attack on ALL, this might be the Syrian plan, call the Obama bluff, if there are further attacks on Turkey the Turkish Government will be forced to act, this will bring in the US, no matter what President Obama wants or does not want.   The Middle East is falling apart, the refugee crisis is causing internal problems in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey,  the idea by the Oval that ALL this will go away is MAD, as if Obama thinks his speeches are reality, sooner or later, and it looks sooner the Oval will have to act, it will have no choice, and the more the Oval tries to create its own reality the worse it will be, a year ago Al Qaeda was not as powerful as it is now in Syria, then the State, Defence Departments and the CIA wanted the Oval to arm the rebels, Obama was more worried about the 2012 race, thus did not follow their advice, and look at the mess now folks.   A Presidential red line has gone up in smoke over Syira, the Boston Bombings have showed one way or another that Al Qaeda is not gone, it has changed and grown, and it could take over Syria.   The Israeli Government has been given a black cheque  by the Oval to be the policeman of the Middle East, when the US does not lead the security of the World is placed at risk, time for the Oval to grow up and grow a backbone. 

Nightmare in Silver - Doctor Who Review

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctor in the overnight ratings had 4.7 million viewers, thus the top drama for the day.  Above the Tardis crew was a football game, and reality shows. 

Lets Get Real: 

The Cybermen are back folks, they are scary and can update any weakness, also they can separate their parts and are effective at killing without being whole.  It was fun seeing the Doctor play chess with himself, hat off to Matt Smith, he bought the Doctor and Mr Clever alive, two characters in one.  It is fair to say Mr Smith has a future in this acting lark, he has more energy than a nuclear reactor on full on.   

Also nod to Warwick Davies, he bought his dual role alive, and with force for the second one, no spoilers here folks, go and watch the episode.    The best part for this old Doctor fan was to see the faces of the other Doctors, if the Sun spoiler it true ( go on the Internet and check that out ) that might have to get a review later on if its done.

Thus next week we are promised the name of the Doctor, this blog never bets, but this once has an idea, thus is going to place a 0.50p bet, that the Doctor is  ….. ( Spoilers folks ).