Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Governor Perry and the US Economic Policy

Telegraph: Reports on remarks by the Republican Presidential Candidate Governor Rick Perry that the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke would be almost committing treason if the printed more Dollars to help the economy. On one level these comments are terrible, makes the Governor not look serious to the elite in the beltway, but then on the other hand its great politics, the Tea Party movement does not trust the money elite in Washington D.C and New York, also main street is not that keen of the beltway and its opinion. After having LBJ, and Bush 43 in the Oval the US voter is used to Texas politicians who are quite animated when it comes to the English language. Thus the elite should take a chill pill, the language its going to get worse on both sides, a year and half of the US Presidential Election folks.

Eurozone Crisis and Germany

BBC News: Reports on the surprise news that Germany economy has only grew by 0.1% for the first few months of 2011, only just better that the zero growth in France. The bankers of the EU, Germany and France have gotten the Greek flue, French Banks might need a bailout due to the Greek default, the German voter is getting tired of being thought as the easy money for the rest of the EU. It can be argued that German voters see the cliff better than their supposed leaders, thus a lack of spending by Germans. The debtor nations of the EU want a EU bond to be issued that would be supported by of course German money, but that is off the table, the German Government headed by Chancellor Merkel would like to be elected this Century. The austerity packages of the PIIGS it can be argued will cut growth, lower Government employment, push more people in to welfare, thus more debt, it’s a vicious game folks. The European Central Bank as stated on my tweet page, owns Italy, it has forced the Government to bring forward its austerity package, but even the ECB cant buy bad Italian debt forever, that goes for Spain too. Either ALL the EU Countries and that includes the UK puts some big money to bailout the PIIGS and reform the EU or some of these Counties will have to be sacrificed, its matter of debt folks, sooner or later there will just be to much debt, and all the EU will go down the toilet.