Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chemical Weapon USE in Syria - Update 4

Lets Get Real:

Good article from the uber liberal NYT, at least they have covered the story, there is only so much cover the elite media can give the Oval, if Israel thinks that Assad has used chemical weapons then this blog tends to take the word of Israel, the Israeli Government told the Bush 43 Administration that Syria was building a nuclear facility in 2007 with the help of the North Koreans, after Iraq Bush 43 would not take action and thus Israel had to take action, it did not wait for Oval approval, this is not new, in 1981 the Israeli Government did not tell the new US President, Ronald Reagan that it was going to hit Iraq, thus independent action by Israel should not be ruled out, if it is in the national security interest of Israel it will take action, no matter the protests of the Oval or the elite media.  This is going to be a hot story folks, watch this space. 

Chemical Weapons USE in Syria - Update 3

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks what will the UN, EU do about this, answer, NOTHING, the Russians will veto any action by the UN, they need to keep their naval base, the EU will complain and DO NOTHING, thus folks, the US, UK and France down the line will have to take action, if the use of chemical weapons is proven the Oval will have no choice, it can not be seen to appease the Assad Regime, as weakness as stated could lead to Israeli action over Iran, thus we could see another Libya, but with the US at the front this time, leading from behind will not do over Syria.    If it was a Republican President one would have expected more of a call from the elite press for action, but its a Democrat and the first African - American President, so they cover, but that cover can not last, does the Oval want to take action in 2014 before the US Congressional Mid Terms, think not, therefore the window of action is later this year, the same when it comes to Iran, the liberal left will bail on the Oval if Obama takes military actin against Syria or Iran or both, thus in pure political terms best to take action in 2013, with the hope they will be quick and successful campaigns, then go in to 2014 as a successful war leader, but that depends what Assad does folks, the Assad Regime might go for broke later on this year or in 2014, they could really damage the Obama Presidency, not with the elite press but in history, weak leaders never get a good report card, even the extreme liberal elite do not have that power, how every much they think they do, thus watch this space folks. 

Chemical Weapon USE in Syria - Update 2

BBC News: Reports the following on the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, " ..military intelligence believed the nerve agent sarin had probably been used "in a number of incidents". ".

Lets Get Real:

Folks Israel will not wait for the Oval to pull its finger our, in other words do something, IF Assad is using chemical weapons on his own people, how long before he transfer weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups in Lebanon, the Israeli Government has been patient with the Oval when it comes to Iran, but if the Oval will not act even if the Israeli Government thinks that Assad has crossed a Obama red line, then can Israel trust Obama when it comes to Iran.  The lack of action of Syria could force Israel to think that it can not trust the Oval to take action when it comes to Iran, everything in the Middle East is connected folks, thus a Israeli strike on Iran due to its nuclear ambition could be fast forward due to the perception that the Oval is weak.  Watch this space folks, it could lead to bloody developments through out the Middle East. 

Chemical Weapons USED in Syria - Israel

Lets Get Real:

This folks is the last thing that the Oval wants to hear, it would have to ACT, it has stated that this is a red line, if Assad uses chemical weapons or transfers then the US will ACT, the US Defence Department as the article states has stated that it would take seventy thousand US troops to secure the weapons of mass destruction of Syria.  The Oval does not want to hear this because the Obama domestic agenda would be dead in the water, the Great Society of President Johnson died due to the Vietnam War, the Iraq War defined the Bush 43 Presidency,   the US stuck between the Assad Regime and rebels would be a bloody nightmare, also Al Qaeda would have US troops as targets.  Lets see how much the liberal elite media cover this story, they know that if they push this story then the Oval will have to react, they also know that 2nd Obama term would be dead in the water, it would be ALL about Syria.   No one wants to take action in Syria, but sometimes you are left with no choices, the Assad Regime has threatened Jordan, a close US ally, there is over a million Syrian refugees in various Countries around Syria, the Turks and Israel have taken military hits from Syria, one can postulate that Syria later this year will define the 2nd Obama term, it not what the Oval wants, it's what the World throws on the Oval Office desk.