The New York Times: Reports the following on the lack of actin by the Obama Administration when it comes to Syria, " If American officials have been more reluctant that their allies to come to firm conclusions, it may be because it would force Mr. Obama’s hand. ".
Lets Get Real:
Good article from the uber liberal NYT, at least they have covered the story, there is only so much cover the elite media can give the Oval, if Israel thinks that Assad has used chemical weapons then this blog tends to take the word of Israel, the Israeli Government told the Bush 43 Administration that Syria was building a nuclear facility in 2007 with the help of the North Koreans, after Iraq Bush 43 would not take action and thus Israel had to take action, it did not wait for Oval approval, this is not new, in 1981 the Israeli Government did not tell the new US President, Ronald Reagan that it was going to hit Iraq, thus independent action by Israel should not be ruled out, if it is in the national security interest of Israel it will take action, no matter the protests of the Oval or the elite media. This is going to be a hot story folks, watch this space.