Thursday, June 09, 2016

Obama on Democratic Race - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This is about legacy when it comes to President Obama, he wants to be the modern Reagan who transfers his base to his successor thus allowing the Democrats to have three terms in the Oval Office.   The question is not the Democratic base but the winder voters, if this is change election then HRC could be toast, the US voter it seems is tired of the Republican and Democratic Establishment, they want REAL change, thus Trump could come from behind, the HRC Campaign and the White House will have to use POTUS in a clever manner, send his to States were his popularity is over 50%, if they happen to be swing States more the better, this race will be close, very close, 1960 or 2000 close. 

POTUS meets Sanders - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

One can assume that President Obama will be placing pressure on Sanders to get out of the race, since he has lost the delegate count and to help to get his supporters to support HRC.   The Democrats have been lucky with past few news cycles, the Donald and his critic of US born Judge has been the only thing that the press have wanted to talk about, the HRC Campaign can not get in the mind set that the Donald will do ALL their work for them, he is a billionaire, does take brain power and skill. Thus HRC campaign has to get on a political war footing, hitting the Donald every hour of every day.  The Donald is hopping that the FBI charges Clinton over her email server, that is not going to happen, at worse it will be a slap on the wrist, this is Washington D.C after, lets get real, the Democrats in the Obama Department of Justice are never going to charge HRC.   Thus its up to HRC to lose the election.