BBC News: Reports on the latest remarks by Senator Warren as she runs for the Democratic Nomination for 2020, " At a forum in Sioux City, Iowa, the Massachusetts senator and Democratic presidential candidate publicly apologised for her claims to indigenous heritage. "
Lets Get Real:
The problem for Senator Warren is not her claim to have Native American Ancestry, it is the FACT that she shares most of her votes with Senator Sanders, if Warren wants to be the Democratic Nominee she has to go after Sanders when they are on the debate stage, otherwise the left will split its vote between Warren and Sanders and allow the more moderate Joe Biden to take the nomination. The Twitter base might be left wing, but the more moderate and Conservative Democrats want a candidate who can beat POTUS. In their heart of hearts the Democrats really want Warren but she is a vote LOSER in 2020, she is FAR TO LEFT WING and she worries the base that the Country would rather vote for Trump than a left wing candidate. It should be stated, this still August, and it's not national polls that matter but State Polls, one poll had Warren ahead in Iowa, thus far no other polls have followed that TREND.