Monday, July 23, 2012

Syrian Threat - Syrian Crisis

Guardian: Reports the Assad Regime has threatened to use WMD's against a foreign attack on Syria.

Lets Get Real:

This threat can be discounted folks, any use of WMD's on NATO forces would lead to a nuclear reaction by the West, the pray of the Obama Administration is that Assad does not use WMD's on his own people, any such move would force Israel to act, as this would mean that Syria could give WMD's to terrorists groups in the region. One has to wonder why the Assad Regime has made this statement, is it a warning to the West that any action to prevent Assad killing his own people would allow Assad to use chemical or biological weapons, is Assad NUTS, its a serious question folks. As Syria falls apart and there are more defections from the Syrian Army the security of these WMD's will be a top concern of the Oval and Israel, thus Israel now has to worry about the WMD's of Syria but also Iran going nuclear. It can be argued folks that Israel has never been so close to destruction in its modern history, only takes chemical weapon to hit Israel to cause massive damage or for Iran to go nuclear and to launch a missile at Israel. Lets hope Israel has it eyes and ears open for any chatter, to connect the dots before its to late, the clock of the Middle East is in a danger zone folks.

Greece and the Bond Market

Lets Get Real:

In other words folks the Greek people are being hung out to dry, they have voted for austerity and Germany has had enough, it can be postulated that the Troika will state that Greece has failed to meet its agreements with the Euro when it comes to austerity, thus Greece is in breach, the Germans will be happy, they want Greece out of the Euro. The recent Greek election is in way went the wrong way for Germany, a pro austerity Government was formed but it has not meed the the benchmarks of the EU deal. The Greeks are a open wound, they just want more and more money, and the the German taxpayer has to worry about about Spain and Italy. Thus Greece is a goner folks, its a dead man walking, its just the Athens Government does not know its extinct.

Spanish Woes and the Markets

BBC News: Reports that Spanish Bonds have passed the 7.5% mark today, this has depressed Markets in the US and Europe, leading to the concern that Spain might need a Sovereign Bailout.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we have the Trinity problem with Spain, on one side we have the debts of the banks, the EU has agreed to bailout the banks, then we the debts of the regional Governments of Spain, this has been estimated at a 140 billion, at the end of the day due to the banks and the regional Governments the national Government of Spain might need a bailout. As noted in this blog there have been riots in Spain due to the austerity package of the new Conservative Government, it could get a lot worse folks if the Spain has to ask for Sovereign bailout, then the EU/IMF/ECB would have to place budget inspectors in each Spanish Ministry, they would have to have a VETO on any spending, the austerity measures would have to be even more brutal, as a Sovereign bailout of Spain would have to be harsh to prevent Italy going down the toilet. A joint bailout for Spain and Italy would break the Euro. Also the Germans have made it clear if Greece has not totally met its commitments over its austerity deal then there will be no more money, looks like Greece is a dead dodo that does not know its cooked. The good news folks its only Monday.