Guardian Live - US Politics: Reports on the latest poll on the US Presidential race, in a ABC News/Washington Post poll both President Obama and Governor Romney are on 47%.
Lets Get Real:
Yes my usual warning, its July, it is still early, what is quite shock is that President Obama is tied with his Republican opponent, if you think about the dreadful economy and how unpopular ObamaCare is one has to say that the Chicago Re-Elect Committee is doing its job. The attack on the private sector record of Governor Romney has been very effective in the swing states, as noted yesterday Obama holds a 2% lead in these battleground states. Obama even leads in Ohio, without Ohio Romney can not win the Presidency. The question that has to be asked is why Romney is not doing better, the US unemployment rate is at 8.2%, ObamaCare has been defined at a TAX by the US Supreme Court, the US is trillions in debt, the enemies of the US do not take Obama as a real threat, the Russians seen him a pushover in the Middle East. And thus Romney can only tie, are we seeing a Camping that could win the nomination but can not win the Presidency.