Sunday, February 12, 2023

Another Object shot down in US Airspace - Biden Era/X-Files

Lets Get Real:

Someone is taking the mickey out of the US, another UFO shot down, one would think it would be the Chinese after the first shot down, does seems something odd to do, are they sending a message to the US, that we can get in to US airspace whenever we like.  On the other hand one should not rule out other Countries trying to make a point, is it Russia, North Korea, who else, Iran, doubts, WHY? they have enough problems with the US.  On the other hand could it be a private business scheme that has gone WRONG, or a lot of weather balloons.  If the US Government is not going very public with these developments, one needs the X - File team to investigate, the lack of information from the Washington D.C will make for the wilder guesses.   The Biden Oval needs to get ahead of this, POTUS needs to come out, it looks like he is hiding his bunker in the White House, he cannot do that in the 2024 election process.   The Republicans will make plenty of play with these balloons, if they are balloons, we wait news from the Biden White House. 

US President and the PM of Canada SPEAK over latest Shootdown - Biden Era/X - Files

White House: Reports on telephone call between POTUS and the PM of Canada, " Readout of President Biden’s Call with Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada....Earlier today, President Biden spoke with Prime Minister Trudeau on the unidentified, unmanned object in North American air space. The object was closely tracked and monitored by North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) over the last 24 hours and the President has been continually briefed by his national security team since the object was detected. Out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of their militaries, President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau authorized it to be taken down. President Biden authorized US fighter aircraft assigned to NORAD to conduct the operation and a US F-22 shot down the object in Canadian territory in close coordination with Canadian authorities. The leaders discussed the importance of recovering the object in order to determine more details on its purpose or origin. President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau commended NORAD’s and U.S. Northern Command’s strong and effective partnership and agreed to continue their close coordination to detect, track, and defend our airspace.  "

Lets Get Real:

Thus we have had the Chinese spy balloon, and then a object shot down over Alaska and NOW Canada, the question is are they the same, in other words Chinese spy balloons, or are they from another Country, what about North Korea, or are they private business balloon or weather balloons that have gotten lost.  The fact that with the two latest shoots down Washington D.C has gone very quiet on the subject, either by now they know or its is a X - FILE, in other words the Governments hope that the press lose interest.  One would have to assume that that China would not try to pull the same event three times, that would be pushing diplomacy to its edge.  The question is WHY, China has satellites in orbit, that is the usual way that Countries spy on other Countries, WHY make is a big issue.  Is China looking for a reason to escalate its plans for Taiwan, is China waiting to see how far they can push the US, POTUS has made it CLEAR that the US will defend Taiwan,  also the US Congress will defend Taiwan should China take action. If it's a X - FILE, we will never know, sometimes it's better not to know, the Biden Oval has enough problems without Aliens from Mars turning up!!