Friday, January 23, 2015

Obama's Yemen Problem - The New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

The fall of the Yemen President is a problem for the Oval Office, the Huthi Shiite Militia are supported by IRAN, thus on the one side the last government supported the use of US drones to strike Al Qaeda in Yemen, the question is will Iran carry on that support and what does that mean for the US and Iran nuclear talks.    The US needs to keep Al Qaeda on the ropes but IF Iran is in control it might use that to force the US to grant Tehran a better deal.  AS stated Israel is already worried that the US will sell them out, this added pressure on President Obama could help Israel with its message, that IF Obama does a bad deal with Tehran to keep the Yemen operation going what will he give away, the Obama Oval has two years to go, Israel has to take long the long view on the strategic front , they can outlast Obama and any sanctions he might place on Israel should Israel attack Iran over the objections  of the Oval Office.  In politics everything is connected. 

Greece OUT of the Euro - The Euro Crisis is BACK

Lets Get Real:

This is the time for decision for Greece, the view from Berlin, Germany is clear, the Greeks for getting life support on the economic front have to follow through with tough austerity, if Athens backs off this agenda, the Germans have made it clear that Greece will be OUT of the Euro.   The Germany taxpayer is not going to pay for the left wing promises of the Syriza Party in Greece.    The Greek people have to smell the coffee, there is only the German way or it is OUT of the Euro.   The Sundy ballot will be decision time for Greece and the EU. 

Israel vs. The Obama Oval - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The Israeli PM and the US President do not get along, the main focus now is Iran, the Oval Office wants a BAD deal, any deal over no deal.    The  Oval Office knows that if there is no deal there is a chance that the US will have to take military action against Iran for its nuclear development.   The Israeli Government feels that a nuclear armed Iran is a THREAT to its existence, thus is placing pressure on the US not to take a bad deal.   The visit to the US Congress is the reaction the State of the Union address by the President were he stated that he would veto any new sanctions against Iran.   The Israeli Government is placing pressure on the US through the Israeli lobby to be tough with Iran, at present ALL it sees is weakness.    In this debate one has to give ones support for Israel, they feel under threat, and its their neighbourhood.