Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reagan on the Bork Nomination failure - 1987

Lets Get Real:

The Supremes  lost a chance to have wise and conservative Judge on the bench due to the vicious attack of liberals in the Senate and around the US.   The present cold war between Democrats and Republicans comes from this time as noted by this blog, how about Democrats saying sorry. 

*" Statement on the Failure of the Senate to Confirm the Supreme Court Nomination of Robert H. Bork. October 23, 1987 " The Public Papers of President Ronald W. Reagan.  Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

Benghazi Deaths - Libyan Update

Telegraph: Reports the following on the State Department Report on the Benghazi Deaths, " has strongly criticised State Department security arrangements there as "grossly inadequate."   ". 

Lets Get Real:

The question that really has to be asked folks IS will Secretary Clinton ever face a Congressional Committee when it comes to the Libyan deaths, how will the Republicans play this issue over the next four years, it is the general view within the D.C that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee in 2016, it will not be VP Biden, thus will Republican supporting groups do a Kerry of 2004 on Clinton in 2016, will they start undermine her national security profile, the death of the US Ambassador in Libya was the 1st such death in 30 years, the Clinton Camp have a problem, they need to get the Secretary out there, taking the tough questions in one go,  not having to answer the same questions over the next four years.    This is serious for the Clinton Camp folks, at the end of the day Secretary Clinton has taken the political blame for Libya but she has not faced Congress, she of late has had the flue and has hurt her head with a fall, those with a more cynical view have stated, typical of a Clinton, avoiding tough questions, on the hope that the issue will go away, its not new for the Clinton Camp, Bill Clinton and the Impeachment process.   Thus if Hillary Clinton wants to be the 2016 nominee she has to get in front of this issue, its a political IED that could go off at any time and derail her attempt in 2016.    Thus political advice to Clinton Camp, have the Secretary go before Congress in 2013, how ever long and answer all their questions, then when the issue comes up again, say go read the Congressional transcript.   Lets see how the Clintons play this issue folks. 

End of the Two State Solution ? - Israeli Update

Guardian: Reports that Israel has announced new building around Jerusalem, the article notes the following, " the approval of 2,612 homes in a move likely to further inflame international criticism of Binyamin Netanyahu's government. ".

Lets Get Real: 

It is time for Israel to tell the Oval and the UN to get lost, they WON, the poor Palestinians have been shafted by everyone, they are never going to get a valid State, it was never on the cards, the security of Israel would be in danger should Israel not control any Palestinian Border or airspace, look how Iran is using Iraq airspace to keep the Assad Regime in power, what havoc could Iran cause in Israel if it could develop terrorist groups in Palestinian Jerusalem.  The idea of a Two State Solution is OVER folks, the UN, the West even the Obama Administration is smoking something if they think this is going to change, its NOT, get over it.    At its most basic the Israelis have WON, as JFK said life is not fair, but as Nixon said in essence when leaving in 1974, its not when you up that counts but when you hit the deck, that is the position faced by the poor Palestinians, they have been let down by everyone, time to get up and come up with a new plan. 

Judge Bork Dies

BBC News: Reports that Judge Robert Bork died, the Judge was a former US US solicitor general, Attorney General and Federal Appeals Court Judge.   Judge Bork was nominated in 1987 by President Reagan to be on the US Supeme Court, US liberals blocked the nomination. 

Lets Get Real:

The modern take no prisoners no compromise approach of the US political parties comes from the Bork fight, the Judge on his qualifications was up to the job but liberals in the US Senate and in the US opposed his legal views, it did not help that at the height at of the Watergate scandal he followed the order of President Nixon and fired the Watergate Special Prosecutor.  Liberals never forgive folks, thus from Bork we have seen both Republicans and Democrats go for the throat, both Parties have to keep their bases happy, while before good Government was more important.    The modern political era in many respects in the Bork era, were the only result that matters to the Parties is the personal destruction of the opposition.  Shame on liberals. 

The Republican House vs. POTUS - Fiscal Update

The White House: Has the following statement on the the latest Republican House Plan when it comes to the fiscal cliff, " The American people have been clear that they will not accept an economic approach that places too big of a burden on the middle class, seniors, students and the most vulnerable Americans while asking too little of the wealthiest Americans.  The Congressional Republican “Plan B” legislation continues large tax cuts for the very wealthiest individuals - on average, millionaires would see a tax break of $50,000 - while eliminating tax cuts that 25 million students and families struggling to make ends meet depend on and ending critical incentives for our nation’s businesses. It would also cut off a vital lifeline of unemployment assistance to 2 million Americans fighting to find a job just a few days after Christmas, while deeply cutting Medicare. The deficit reduction is minimal, and perversely, given its authors, solely through tax increases with no spending cuts.  This approach does not meet the test of balance, and the President would veto the legislation in the unlikely event of its passage.

Lets Get Real: 
The White House wants to completely defeat the Republican House, they want tax hikes on those earning two hundred and fifty thousand a year, that covers a lot of small business men and women, they also want to control the public spending purse.    If the Republican House Speaker John Boehner wants to get some honour back he will tell the Oval to get lost, he will reverse his previous agreement on tax hikes and tell the Oval that if it does not agree to Republican demands it can have the Obama recession and it will cost the Oval after the US goes over the fiscal cliff at the start of the new year, there will have to be tax breaks, NO TAX HIKES, major welfare cuts, not promised but real ones, the kind that will have liberals out on the streets.  Lets see if Speaker Boehner can play Chicago hard ball, that the only game that the Oval understands.