Wednesday, December 19, 2012

End of the Two State Solution ? - Israeli Update

Guardian: Reports that Israel has announced new building around Jerusalem, the article notes the following, " the approval of 2,612 homes in a move likely to further inflame international criticism of Binyamin Netanyahu's government. ".

Lets Get Real: 

It is time for Israel to tell the Oval and the UN to get lost, they WON, the poor Palestinians have been shafted by everyone, they are never going to get a valid State, it was never on the cards, the security of Israel would be in danger should Israel not control any Palestinian Border or airspace, look how Iran is using Iraq airspace to keep the Assad Regime in power, what havoc could Iran cause in Israel if it could develop terrorist groups in Palestinian Jerusalem.  The idea of a Two State Solution is OVER folks, the UN, the West even the Obama Administration is smoking something if they think this is going to change, its NOT, get over it.    At its most basic the Israelis have WON, as JFK said life is not fair, but as Nixon said in essence when leaving in 1974, its not when you up that counts but when you hit the deck, that is the position faced by the poor Palestinians, they have been let down by everyone, time to get up and come up with a new plan. 

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